couple improbable: l’hirondelle & le papillon…:-)

l’automne s’est installé et une hirondelle au cœur bleu veut rejoindre un papillon nonchalant qui s’envole de fleur en fleur… 2 mouettes l’ont déjà avertie: risque inutile, amour impossible, illusion perdue d’avance… pourquoi? – mystère et dilemme gardés par les pétales et leur parfum enivrant… elle aurait dû lire le poème de Lamartine, car le printemps est loin, mais ils retrouveront le bonheur à travers leur solitude, à l’ombre de la pleine-Lune… 🙂
* * *
Le papillon – Alphonse de Lamartine

Naître avec le printemps, mourir avec les roses,
Sur l’aile du zéphyr nager dans un ciel pur,
Balancé sur le sein des fleurs à peine écloses,
S’enivrer de parfums, de lumière et d’azur,
Secouant, jeune encore, la poudre de ses ailes,
S’envoler comme un souffle aux voûtes éternelles,
Voilà du papillon le destin enchanté!
Il ressemble au désir, qui jamais ne se pose,
Et sans se satisfaire, effleurant toute chose,
Retourne enfin au ciel chercher la volupté…

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unlikely couple: a swallow and a butterfly… Fall has settled down and a blue-hearted swallow wants to join a tardy butterfly that travels from flower to flower… 2 wise seagulls have already warned ‘her’: useless risk, impossible love, an illusion lost in advance… why? – dilemma and mystery kept by the petals and their heady scent… ‘she’ should have read Lamartine’s poem, ’cause springtime is far-away, but they’ll find happiness all the way through their solitude, in the shadow of the full-Moon… 🙂
* * *
The Butterfly – Alphonse de Lamartine

Born during springtime, it passes away with the roses,
it swims upon the Zephyr’s wing in a clear sky,
cradled between the breasts of flowers barely hatched,
getting drunk with their scents, with light and blue,
still young and shaking its powdered wings,
flying like a breath to the eternal vaults,
This is the delightful fate of the butterfly!
It looks like lust that never settles down,
And with no satisfaction, touching everything,
but it eventually returns to heaven to seek pleasure…

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 19 October 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 42 Comments.

  1. A lovely writing on the cycle of the Butterfly. It does give beauty in its short life.
    I have a friend who collects butterflys and breeds them. He has a great enclosed sanctuary that is climate controlled. It’s great walking amongst them and having them land on you. Regards, Emu

  2. Les ailes de l’amour trouvent dans le vent d’automne un bon complice. Bises!

  3. Amor sau poftă de mâncare?! 😆

  4. Love the sad story, Mélanie. What a beautiful butterfly! 🙂

  5. Bien joliment poétique, Mélanie, ton “post” de ce matin. Et tout cela se terminera bien, entre le papillon et l’hirondelle. Il n’y a pas d’amour impossible, il n’y a que de amours contrariées. Lamartine devait le savoir. Tous les poètes savent cela… Bonne journée! Amitiés, Hervé

  6. wonderful and kinda sad – but so nice. ❤ ❤

    ‘Born during springtime, it passes away with the roses…’

  7. Cei care inca mai cred ca mizeria morala din invatamant poate fi inlaturata sunt invitati sa citeasca, sa colaboreze si sa distribuie blogul daca vor considera ca mesajul sau este util. Putem sa realizam ceva eficient doar impreuna, spunand lucrurilor pe nume si eliminand frica ce ne paralizeaza de foarte multi ani incoace. Bun gasit.

    • 🙂 hola y bienvenida a mi “patio de recreo”! te han “pescado” de “spam”… tenga un día bueno y una semana positiva! con amistad y hasta luego! 🙂

      • El placer es mio y sera siempre asi. Nu stiu daca in romaneste se poate. 😉

        • Mar Verde, sigur ca poti comenta si-n româneste, desi voi fi folosit mai mult engleza si franceza de câteva decenii, asa cum am precizat aici:

          I was born in Romania, but I’ve lived longer in France, my current homeland; I also spent 5 years in Houston – Clear Lake(NASA subdivision), Texas, USA, that’s why this blog is bilingual: French and English, but Romanian, Spanish and Italian comments are welcome, too! 🙂

  8. A timely post. Last week I saw the first monarchs and swallows of the season.

  9. Bon matin! il est déjà temps de/pour retourner ”enfin au ciel chercher la volupté…”?

  10. In locul rândunelelor pe sârma, au rămas doar cârligele de rufe, înşirate.

  11. What a lovely presentation. I really like the flowery design picture. 🙂

  12. Love these beautiful butterfly photos!

  13. De la belle poésie Melanie pour terminer la semaine et commencer la prochaine! 🙂

  14. Oui, couple improbable, en effet Mélanie, mais billet si agréable! Bonne toute fin de ce jour à toi et agréable début de semaine!

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