“J’ai rêvé l’archipel parfumé, montagneux…”

“Et l’amour, où tout est facile,
Où tout est donné dans l’instant;
Il existe au milieu du temps
La possibilité d’une île…”(Michel Houellebecq)

* * *
Phantasma… – Charles Cros

J’ai rêvé l’archipel parfumé, montagneux,
Perdu dans une mer inconnue et profonde
Où le naufrage nous a jetés tous les deux
Oubliés loin des lois qui régissent le monde.
Sur le sable étendue en l’or de tes cheveux,
Des cheveux qui te font comme une tombe blonde,
Je te ranime au son nouveau de mes aveux
Que ne répéteront ni la plage ni l’onde.
C’est un rêve. Ton âme est un oiseau qui fuit
Vers les horizons clairs de rubis, d’émeraudes,
Et mon âme abattue est un oiseau de nuit.
Pour te soumettre, proie exquise, à mon ennui
Et pour te dompter, blanche, en mes étreintes chaudes,
Tous les pays sont trop habités aujourd’hui…

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“And love, where everything is easy,
and offered within the very moment;
in the middle of the time
there’s the possibility of an island…”(Michel Houellebecq)

* * *
Phantasma… – Charles Cros

I’ve dreamed of the scented and mountainous archipelago,
Lost within a strange and deep sea
Where the wreck has cast us both
forgotten and afield from rules that govern the world.
Your golden hair lies down all over the sand,
that makes you look like a fair tombstone,
I bring you back to life by the new sound of my confessions
That nor the beach or the waves will ever repeat.
It’s just a dream. Your soul is an elusive bird
Which flies away to clear ruby and emerald horizons,
And my exhausted heart is a night bird.
To submit you my boredom, my exquisite prey,
And to tame you inside my hot hugs, my dear white one
All lands are too populated nowadays…
* * *
more pix from Tenerife Canary island: 🙂

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 14 November 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. wonderful poem and the photos are perfectly suited – what a landscape!

  2. Superbe poésie, très belles photos, merci Mélanie. Doux week-end, bisous, Liz

  3. Beautiful… Beautiful… Beautiful! 😀

  4. Envy you Melanie, you certainly have great photographs, of being witness to some of the world’s most beautiful scenery. The Canary Islands could be a setting for a Romantic novel. Ian

  5. De magnifiques photos Mélanie, pour accompagner ces lignes! Bonne soirée et agréable week-end!

  6. Des scènes à couper le souffle… des mots tendres et doux… Merci!

  7. Superbes photos en parfait accord avec la poésie de ces deux auteurs. Bonne soirée, Mélanie! Bisous!

  8. Dreams remain a mystery (my story?). Rêve and rave surely historically intertwined…

  9. Una splendida poesia ma ancor più splendide sono le immagini. Felice fine settimana.

  10. Did you know that the Charles Cros museum is in Fabrezan which is very close to my village? It is an interesting place to visit.

  11. Beautiful post, Mélanie! While I’ve had Charles Cros on my list for some time, I had not picked up one of his books yet. I try to buy a new collection of French poetry each year and that usually occurs one one of my trips to Montolieu… a magnificent village.

  12. Belle fotografie si respira aria di libertà. Buongiorno Mélaine! grazie per le tue belle parole che mi hai lasciato sul post, sei un amica. Ti auguro un buon fine settimana con amicizia. 🙂 Soul

  13. That windy road makes me feel dizzy.

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