cruel fable – Nature’s eternal chain reaction…:-)

motto:“Ceux qui prétendent avoir des croyances ou des convictions n’ont jamais rien approfondi…”(Émile-Michel Cioran)

Au cœur de la forêt tropicale humide, des milliers de plantes ont toujours “survécu”. Il y en a tellement qu’il est souvent difficile, voire impossible, pour certaines espèces à trouver même un petit coin. Un oiseau ou une chauve-souris vient d’atterrir sur une branche ou dans un tronc creux: à l’intérieur, une graine va germer assez rapidement et elle va donner vie à un petit figuier… Au tout début, il va développer des racines de plusieurs mètres, assez longues pour atteindre la terre rapidement, au pied du grand arbre. Une fois dans le sol, le figuier peut bien se nourrir et il va “accélérer” sa croissance. Ses racines grossissent, pendant que ses branches grandissent, le pauvre arbre est complètement entouré, étranglé et se transforme en l’indispensable “support-tuteur” pour le figuier – encore trop jeune pour rester debout seul, sans son aide. Son feuillage recouvre la plante “colonisée”, alors que les tiges et les racines l’étranglent à mort… Comme il commence à se décomposer et à pourrir, l’arbre fournit un “aliment” encore plus naturel – le meilleur pour le figuier qui continue à s’étaler et il peut vivre des centaines d’années…

N.B. la morale de cette “fable cruelle”: le figuier étrangleur – trop affamé et trop glouton n’a pas eu assez de temps pour s’implanter entièrement dans le sol parce que dès que “l’arbre gardien” meurt et s’effondre, il provoque également la chute du figuier étrangleur… Réfléchissez-y! 🙂
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P.S. le tronc des arbres marcheurs-échassiers(secs ou humides) est utilisé pour la construction de logements et d’autres structures, ainsi que des lances de chasse. Il est généralement coupé et fendu en longueur, mais il peut également être vidé et utilisé comme un tube. Leurs racines bouillies donnent une sorte de “thé” destiné à traiter l’hépatite et leurs fruits sont comestibles; une autre vertu – pour vous, les gars: les parties intérieures des racines sont censés être aphrodisiaques… 🙂
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walking trees and strangler fig trees – pix taken in stunning Costa Rica… 🙂

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motto:“Those who claim to have beliefs or convictions have never deepened anything.”(Émile-Michel Cioran, French-Romanian philosopher)

In the heart of the rainforest thousands of plants have always “survived”. There are so many that it’s often hard or impossible for some species to find even a tiny spot. A bird or a bat has just landed on a branch or in a hollow trunk: inside the same warm room, a seed will germinate quite soon and it’ll give life to a small fig tree… At the very beginning, it will develop roots able to reach the ground quite fast at the foot of the tall tree. Once the several meter roots into the soil, the fig tree can properly feed itself and it’ll “accelerate” its growth. Its roots become larger and larger, meanwhile, its stems grow up, the poor tree is completely surrounded, strangled and turns into the indispensable “guardian prop” for the fig tree – still too young to stand up alone, without its help. Its foliage covers up the “colonized” plant, whilst branches and roots strangle it to death… As it starts to break down and to decay, the tree provides even more natural “food” – the best one for the fig tree which continues to expand, it may live hundreds of years…

N.B. the moral of this “cruel fable”: the strangler fig tree – too hungry and too greedy hasn’t had enough time to get entirely embedded into the ground because as soon as “the guardian tree” dies out and collapses, it also causes the downfall of the strangler fig tree… Think it over! 🙂
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P.S. the trunk of dry & wet walking trees is used for housing construction and other structures, as well as hunting spears. It’s usually cut off and split lengthwise, but it can also be emptied out and used as a tube. Water cooked roots make a kind of “tea” meant to treat hepatitis and their fruits are edible. Last but not least – for you, dudes: the inner parts of the stilt roots are supposed to be aphrodisiac… 🙂  

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 19 November 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 37 Comments.

  1. Chain reaction – greed strangles, but alas, from that comes something which can still be used. 🙂

  2. Fabulous images… Trees are like my friends… So, so love being amongst Trees… And I am so pleased I live not far from a great Forest. 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful Mid week. Blessings, Sue

  3. I love rainforests! Lovely slideshow! We have our own on the west coast, too!

  4. Nature is impressive! Gracious trees in artistic way! 😉

  5. Sună ca o povestioară orientală cu tâlc și îmi place. Morala, din perspectiva arborelui-gazdă: Pe cine nu lași să moară, nu te lasă să trăiești, da’ nici tu pe el! 😆

  6. Splendido post e altrattanto splendide immagini della foresta pluviale, che sembrano scolpite dando forma a figure fantastiche e inquietanti.

  7. great post and pictures! ❤

  8. Thanks for the “lesson” of the fig tree, Melanie! 🙂 The photos are super. They remind me a little of the giant banyan trees we have in Florida. Hope you are wonderful lyrics happy! ❤

  9. Great Fig tree pics Melanie, they are really survivors in that jungle nature gave them.
    Bit sexist on that last comment Melanie hehe, the stilt roots could also be an aphrodisiac for females, as well, I would think. Ian

  10. Reblogged this on Ned Hamson Second Line View of the News and commented:
    Trees walk – just very slowly – smile

  11. Natura mereu surprinzătoare și edificatoare! Frumos articol! Toate cele bune, Melanie, cu drag, Georgeta

  12. I’ve read, just a bit of his universe I admit, to Foucault, for him I want to read Cioran too, to discover the worlds in the French Philosophy… 🙂 Those fig trees make me think of the people in Dante’s hell who transform constantly to snakes to revert to humans, curling and turning their anatomies. Everything without moderation can destroy, it could be one of several lessons. The best aphrodisiac is to not get dominated by the routine, I guess. A big hug Mélanie ^_^

  13. Eh, bien, dis donc Mélanie… super intéressant, que tout cela!

  14. Wow, these are magnificent trees! Great slides, Thank you, Melanie!

  15. Copacii sunt adevăraţi luptători. 🙂

  16. Intéressant. Pas lu Cioran. (On my reading list!) Mais attention, Cocteau a dit:”A force d’aller au fond des choses, il arrive qu’on y reste!” 🙂

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