Japanese Pacific sunsets – lotus flower petals…

lorsque je regarde les étoiles, nos ombres se déplacent à travers le temps englouti par l’espace… horizon invisible, le Pacifique saigne, la marée monte, la lune nous guette, la nuit chasse le jour… une fois, j’ai vu un crépuscule se détacher du ciel et tomber dans notre océan d’amour dont les vagues écarlates embrassaient sa lave ardente… l’endroit le plus sûr et le plus tendre sur ​​la terre est toujours dans tes bras depuis qu’une larme divine nous a tracé la ligne de vie… je ne sais pas si tu fais partie de moi, mais une chose est sure: les verbes “posséder” et “appartenir” auront été effacés de notre vocabulaire…

j’incline à croire que nous sommes ensemble à l’intérieur d’un endroit unique que nous avons créé et qui s’appelle NOUS… lorsque nous sommes séparés, il nous suffit de penser intensément l’un à l’autre, et nous nous retrouvons aussitôt entre l’aube brumeuse et le crépuscule ensoleillé… une autre fin de semaine comme un doux coucher du soleil où l’éternité rapide et éphémère est compactée dans les secondes de “l’amour en urgence” – seule évidence capable de “sublimer” notre existence… 🙂

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whenever I look at the stars, our shadows move on throughout time swallowed up by space… invisible horizon, the Pacific bleeds, tides are up, the Moon watches over us, nightfall chases away daylight… once I saw a dusk coming off the sky and falling into our ocean of love whose scarlet waves would embrace its hot lava… your arms have been the safest and most loving place on Earth since a heavenly teardrop has drawn our living line… I don’t know whether you’re a piece of myself, but one thing is sure: the verbs “to possess” and “to belong” have been deleted from our vocabulary…

I’d rather believe that we’re together within a unique spot that we’ve created – called “WE”… whenever we’re apart, we just think intensely of each other, and we instantly find ourselves between the foggy dawn and the sunny twilight… another weekend like a mild sunset where hasty and delicate eternity has compacted itself within the seconds of “emergency love” – the only obviousness, able to “sublimate” our life… 🙂
* * *

Rimi Natsukawa – Nada sousou(tearful) with wonderful English lyrics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQtFsu3G9f0

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 22 November 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. De superbes lotus… et des paysages sublimes.

  2. Wow, intense and beautiful!

  3. Your sunsets made me dream and the video was beautiful. What a lovely voice. Thanks for the discovery, Melanie. Have a peaceful and happy week. 🙂

  4. Până la urmă cred că e optimist să vezi timpul înghițit de spațiu – și nu invers.

  5. Doamne sfinte! Chestia aia care unește cele două stânci este O SCARĂ?!

  6. Stunning photos! Did you take all of these photos yourself? If you did, what an amazing eye you have! They are all just beautiful!

    I just love how your words describe the sunset – such beautiful imagery. I absolutely love sunsets, especially the ones that turn the sky red!

  7. Love the lotus flowers and the beautiful sunsets. The bridge between the two rocks is awesome, but is it safe? 😕

  8. what wonderful words on love! Beautiful photos!

  9. Des mots en parfaite osmose avec les images, bravo! Bonne soirée!

  10. C’est magnifique! I didn’t spend any time in Japan only to change planes. However, Thailand and Vietnam are also magnificent. I do believe this is one of my favourite of your posts. Not just for the photos as your posts are always wonderful but the words were pure poetry! 🙂

  11. I have never seen lotus flowers in person, Melanie. They are beautiful. What is the structure/rope(?) between the two rock formations in the sea shot?

    • 🙂 well, go to Japan or to Taiwan and you’ll see plenty of wonderful lotus flowers… yep, “Lovers’s Bridge” is made of extremely thick and solid rope… welcome back, thanx and cheers, young lady! 🙂

  12. Gorgeous images, they make me want to go to a place I’ve never been. And your words take me to a different place, a place I’ve been many times and yet it’s never enough, nor should it ever be.

    • Bonjour Alex! I’m glad and honored by your generous comment… domo arigato – mille merci! 🙂 I’ve dedicated several posts to Japan, so if you’re interested, go @ “search”, please and enter: Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hokkaido, Yakushima…

  13. lovely pictures of a beautiful place.

  14. sniff… que c’est jouli! 🙂

  15. Beautiful Melanie, your pictures and words always transports me to a wonderland. I do like that rope bridge, yet I see no connecting bridge leading to it, must be by boat. Regards, Ian

  16. So beautiful, makes me want to visit Japan! I love the rope bridge.

  17. Aş defini într-un singur fel:”loc pentru amor sălbatic”, iar floarea de lotus: floarea purităţii şi spiritualităţii. Descrierea ta: un poem.

    • se poate face “amor salbatec” oriunde, Rory: cei 2 protagonisti aleg si decid… 🙂 stii ca iubesc Japonia si tot ce “implica” acest arhipelag ce face parte din centura de foc a Pacificului-Nord… multumesc pentru vizita! 🙂

  18. Sugoi Mélanie chan, domo arigato! 😉 Your words could also be from a Nefertiti in our modern world.

  19. Superbe texte et photos Mélanie! Bonne et douce soirée!

  20. Some stunning sunsets and the lotus flower is so beautiful. I have never seen one before. What is the symbol of the rocks in the ocean, do you know?

    • yep, lotus flowers are really special… as for the symbol of “Lovers’ rocks”: a local legend tells that 2 secret lovers have used to meet there for centuries, at nightfall, but nobody has ever seen them yet… 🙂

  21. beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing these beauties 🙂

  22. ce sa zic, cer de soare ca in “tara soarelui rasare”, culoare de ocean adanca, ca dragostea din cuplul tau… si parca un calm ce “tace”, depaseste tot ca si intelegerea si armonia din viata ta… de cate ori esti in Japonia (chiar si cu gandul), ia-ma si pe mine cu tine!!! love you!!! my dear MELANIIIII!!!

  23. A beautiful gallery Melanie. Were the photos taken in various countries?

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