Icelandic winter song…

la neige ne recouvre jamais tout le royaume des glaciers où le silence assourdissant est le seul maître des lieux… les descendants des vikings norvégiens savent que sans l’hiver et ses aurores boréales, le printemps n’y arriverait pas… entre le feu et la glace, à travers le fjord calme, des larmes de bonheur coulent vers l’océan arctique qui sépare nos 2 mondes… ce soir, nous descendrons sur la plage pour compter les étoiles de nos constellations… s’il nous appelle, nous partirons vers son horizon, en nous laissant emporter et bercer par ses vagues…

si la Lune se montre et nous accompagne, nous essayerons d’attraper ses rayons nacrés, nous les tresserons, et nous les relâcherons en pluie salée – d’un seul coup… puisque le soleil se fera attendre, je poserai ma tête sur ton épaule, tu me prendras dans tes bras et nous traverserons nos rêves sur les flots bleu-intense de l’Atlantique-Nord… l’eau des cascades jaillira de nos cœurs comme un fleuve de lave qui nous inondera les corps soudés, mais nous continuerons à conjuguer nos sourires et notre amour au présent – avec l’extase sublime de la VIE… 🙂

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snow never covers up the glaciers’ realm where deafening silence the only master of the house… the descendants of the Norwegian vikings know that without winter and its northern lights, springtime would never come back… between fire and ice, across the quiet fjord, tears of happiness flow into the Arctic Ocean that separates our 2 worlds…tonight we’ll go down to the beach and we’ll count the stars of our constellations… if it calls us, we’ll head for its horizon, carried-away and rocked by its streams…

if the Moon shows up and stays with us, we’ll try to catch its pearly beams, we’ll braid them together, and we’ll suddenly set them free into a salty rain… since the Sun will be late, I’ll lean my head on your shoulders, you’ll take me in your arms and we’ll cross our dreams over the dark-blue waves of the North Atlantic… waterfalls will spring out from our hearts into a lava river flooding our welded bodies, but we’ll continue to conjugate our smiles and our love in the present tense – with the sublime rhapsody of LIFE… 🙂

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 11 December 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. There is a lot of interesting (in my opinion) music from Iceland. The Sugarcubes, GusGus, Bjork, Sigur Ros, Mum. The island has a peculiar musical ambiance connected to many other things, to its nature so nicely captured in your photos. I hope one day I will make my way to this land. Cheers, Wanda

  2. Very Nice! Regards from Romania!

  3. Superbe voyage tant par les mots que par les images.

  4. Magnifique mais trop froid pour moi! 🙂 However, I always enjoy the poetry.

    • ah, détrompe-toi, Léa, en hiver, il y fait plus doux et moins froid que sur la côte-est des USA car situation géographique “oblige”: sous le cercle polaire, mais à la confluence des 2 courants océaniques – le gulf stream(chaud) et celui du Groenland(froid)… 🙂 merci bcp & à+! ❤

  5. It was such an emotional joy of life and adventure. Yisraela

  6. how wonderful, I can imagine trolls and heroes here!!! in this land of fire and ice, Wonderful photos! and beautiful thoughts!

  7. Magical language – how it paints the feeling of the earth and sky in our hearts!

  8. Dacă ar fi să dau o denumire imaginilor luate de tine, acea denumire ar fi “poveste de iubire” fiindcă prima imagine unde cele două stânci fac arc peste apă şi se unesc, par doi îndrăgostiţi pe care o vrăjitoare rea şi geloasă i-a surprins când se sărutau şi i-a împietrit pentru totdeauna.

    • @”vrăjitoare rea şi geloasă…” – posibil si probabil, caci e un personaj “banal” în “sagas islandaises”(sagas de famille) — povesti despre stramosii lor din evu’ mediu… am aflat la fata locului ca “saga” e cuvânt islandez al carui plural e “sögur”!
      * * *
      multumesc pentru popasu’-ti amical si-un sfârsit de saptamâna dupa planu’ si placu’ tau…

  9. De fiecare loc pe care l-ai vizitat pare că ai fost îndrăgostită Melanie. Eu cred că toate locurile vizitate de tine au făcut un schimb de energie bună, de iubire cu tine, căci, le păstrezi foarte frumos în amintire și prind încă o viață aici, pe blog, împărtășindu-le cu noi. Toate cele bune și un sfârșit de săptămână minunat!

  10. These photos capture breathtakingly scenery… Et les mots font de leur mieux pour suivre le paysage 🙂

  11. Both beautiful poems. And the pictures show the ruggedness of the geography. How many times have you been to Iceland?

  12. i’ve never been to Iceland, but i would like to make a photo shooting trip experience soon. Great photos. Cris

  13. J’adore l’Islande. Un jour il faudra que nous y retournions… belles photos (Suzanne)

  14. Cat de frumooos! Ia-ma acolo ca nu mai pot aici!!!

  15. Fine series; some shots trigger memories from 2010.

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