Animal Kingdom – Florida, USA…

“LE véritable test moral de l’humanité?… ce sont ses relations avec ceux qui sont à sa merci: les animaux. Et c’est ici que s’est produite la faillite fondamentale de l’HOMME – si fondamentale que toutes les autres en découlent…”(L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être – Milan Kundera)
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“Un monde sans paroles ne serait plus humain, mais un monde sans animaux le serait-il encore?…”(Si les lions pouvaient parler… – Boris Cyrulnik)
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“Nous aimons les animaux, parce qu’ils ne mentent pas. C’est pour cela que l’homme les a mis en esclavage: ils lui rappelaient LA vérité…”(Henry de Montherlant)

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“THE genuine moral test of humanity?… its relations with those who are at its mercy: animals. And this is where MAN’s fundamental failure has occurred – so fundamental that all the others stem out from it.”(the Unbearable lightness of Being – Milan Kundera)
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“A world with no words wouldn’t be human any more, but a world with no animals, would it still be one?!…”(If lions could speak… – Boris Cyrulnik)
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“We love animals because they don’t lie. That’s why man has set them into slavery. They would remind him of THE truth…”(Henry de Montherlant)

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 24 January 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 35 Comments.

  1. En parfait accord avec les citations que tu as mises , un monde sans animaux ne serait vraiment plus humain . La diversité animale est de plus en plus menacée , il faudrait vraiment que l’homme prenne conscience de sa nécessité et cesse d’agir à tords et à travers .

  2. Spunea cineva că omul a evoluat din maimuță tocmai prin perfecționarea abilității de a minți, de a disimula (așa putea de exemplu să-și ascundă mâncarea de ceilalți).


    Your gallery is beautiful. The jeep reminded me of Jurassic Park! Zoos make me sad sometimes based on confinement but are necessary as well.

  4. Un jour, il assistera à sa propre disparition, l’homme, avec le même délice pervers qu’il a à regarder disparaître rhinocéros, Lynx, éléphants…

  5. My favorites ever are tigers ^_^ Although I suspect that they’re capable to lie, in games, the cats I know like to simulate a hunt to play hide and seek, or go to a place and stay but like a hunter trap to when I go there they move to other place 😀

  6. The quotes are profound indeed. It seems that the further science goes the more we realize that animals do have communication — just in very different ways than ourselves — and perhaps about more important topics. It’s beyond sad the things we do to our fellow creatures upon this planet.

    • welcome to my playground and thanx for your relevant comment, Sir! I’ve defended the animal cause for decades and I’m still skeptical about their near and distant future, hélas!

      • It’s the height of arrogance to think that just because we ‘seem’ to be the top of the food chain that anything beneath us is fair game for experimentation, abuse, and annihilation. I’m not a vegan — I do believe that domesticated animals are suitable for food, in the same way that other critters eat critters. But our willingness to cause other creatures pain just to suit our capitalistic whims ought to be actionable. Cheers, P

        • I’m not a vegan either and I totally agree with you… human cruelty against animals should be more severely punished as I do believe that people who are cruel to animals can’t be otherwise with their fellows… have a serene weekend!

  7. If people would only mimic animals, the world would be a better place.

  8. I have been to this place (long time ago) looks great – safe travels amiga

  9. Profound quotes Melanie, what would the world be without animals. Sometimes I think the animals would have a better world without humans. Always enjoy your pics but your trees always draw my greatest admiration. Ian

  10. “A world with no words…” – “We love animals because they don’t lie.” so true!!!
    animals are more “humane than we are!!! they take care with love of their “babies”… don’t put them in the garbage(like humans do) and more an animal loves his master with the price of their life!!! asa cu drag mi-amintesc de filmul “love the beasts and the children” – asa-i ca l-ai vazut melani? foarte greu imi este sa ma gandesc daca ar trebui sa mai acceptam “incarcerarea” animalelor in asa zise spatii ‘libere’ care numai libere nu sunt!!! si care prin gardurile lor ma fac sa ma intreb cine este de o parte si de alta a “ingradirii” – noi sau animalele??? ce mult am povestit dar… mereu am avut o problema cu femeile care-si parasesc ‘puii’, le spun ca nici un animal nu face asta… love you meli!!!

  11. The Unbearable Lightness of Being is, to me, a most brilliant and beautiful tale. I had the great privilige of working on the movie in the late 1980s and read the book and the screenplay which imprinted the tale permanently in my mind and heart. Your use of quotes alongside your pictures is indeed a gently powerful statement of something I believe we should all take to heart 🙂

  12. Great quotes. Jack and I agree with all of them. 🙂

  13. Am fost mai norocoşi decât ele. Sper să fim şi înţelepţi.

  14. Oh la la! Je adore cette photo 🙂 Kamila

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