un peu de douceur dans ce monde de brutes – “2 morceaux de soleil”…

une semaine dure et triste, submergée par le terrible accident de l’A320 de “Germanwings” dans les Alpes françaises… une tragédie humaine causée par le copilote allemand – “kamikaze” dépressif qui aura commis un suicide criminel, car il a fait tuer 149 personnes, RIP… j’ai voyagé plusieurs fois avec cette filiale de la “Lufthansa” dans des A320 fabriqués ici, à Toulouse et je le referai à l’avenir – sans aucune crainte… l’ESPOIR a des racines de vie capables de tenir bon face aux ténèbres – ses flambeaux éclatants restent ancrés dans la mémoire du cœur… ❤
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j’aime les animaux depuis toujours avec une légère faiblesse pour les félins… en observant mon matou valencien et ce mignon “ili pika”, je me pose la même question: qu’est le plus beau? – leur élégance naturelle, leurs mouvements gracieux, leur doux regard ou leur sérénité apparente et contagieuse?… enfin, mon Loulou est un grand “fana” des œuvres de Toulouse-Lautrec, comme moi! 🙂
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my Lucky-Loulou & “ili-pika” – “2 chunks of sun”… “ili-pika” is an unbelievably cute mammal with teddybear face living in the Tianshan Mountains(northwestern China); it has inspired the famous character Pokémon- Pikachu. This photo is from “National Geographic” of this month. – “Bless the beasts and the children…” – The Carpenters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhR36gV6vW4

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a bit of gentleness in this cruel world… it’s been a hard and sad week, overwhelmed by the terrible crash of the “Germanwings” A320 in the French Alps… a human tragedy caused by the German copilot – a depressed “kamikaze” who perpetrated a criminal suicide by killing 149 people, RIP. I have flown with Lufthansa’s subsidiary several times, on A320 airplanes – made here, in Toulouse and I’ll fly again in the future with no fear… HOPE does have roots of life that can stand firm against darkness – its dazzling beacons stay anchored into the memory of the heart… ❤
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I’ve always loved animals, with a slight preference for felines… watching my Valencian tomcat and this cute “ili pika”, I’m asking myself the same question: what’s the most beautiful thing about them? – their natural elegance, their graceful movements, their gentle look or their apparent and contagious serenity?… last but not least: my Loulou is a big fan of Toulouse-Lautrec’s works, like me! 🙂

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Le Chat et le Soleil – The Tomcat and the Sun by Maurice Carême

Le chat ouvrit les yeux, – The tomcat opened his eyes,
Le soleil y entra. – the sun came in.
Le chat ferma les yeux, – The tomcat closed his eyes,
Le soleil y resta. – the sun stayed indoors.
Voilà pourquoi, le soir – Therefore, in the evening
Quand le chat se réveille, – when the tomcat wakes up
J’aperçois dans le noir – I can behold in the dark
2 morceaux de soleil. – 2 chunks of sun.

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 27 March 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. Très belles créatures. Est-ce que tu sais pourquoi le chat tient sa patte comme ça? Le nôtre fait ça aussi et j’ai toujours trouvé ça bizarre…

  2. Actul criminal care a curmat atâtea vieţi a fost condamnat de întreaga planetă. Este de necomentat o astfel de atitudine. Şi când te gândeşti că bunicii acelui pilot au emigrat în Germania venind din Transilvania… Cum l-o fi răbdat Pământul? Pisicuţele… aceste fiinţe care au stârnit imaginaţia, creându-se în jurul lor istorioare încărcate de magie… Da, versurile din josul paginii dau o explicaţie logică a luminii ochilor lor: da, soarele a fost închis sub ploapele lor!

  3. cu franceza mai greu dar cu pisicile ❤ limbaj universal 😀

  4. Much love and beautiful things ♡♡♡

  5. de fapt, nu incetam sa gresim in alegerea oamenilor care tin in “maini” viata multor altii… nu reusim sa interogam mintea cu teste psihologice ca sa intrezarim piesa de puzzle slaba a celor ce “ne pot omorî”, ca asa vor ei!!! din ce in ce mai des umanul degenereaza in “inuman” zilele astea!!!

  6. C’est vrai que ce “ili pika” est très mignon. Je ne connaissais pas cet animal. Bonne soirée, Mo

  7. A very sad event. But thanks for the sweetness and lightness of the little creatures. I love the poem about the Tomcat and the Sun.

  8. It is a shame that he chose to take the lives of others when he made the choice to take his own. Thank you for giving us a bright spot and beauty to counterbalance the rest. Your cats looking at the racks is hilarious! One of the many reasons I enjoy cats is their ability to show unconditional love and caring… and that they are fiercely independent… at least mine were. The ili-pika is cute too, I’ve never seen one before.

    • I totally agree with your first sentence… you know I’m a catlover, like you! ❤ same here for the cute "ili-pika", that’s why I've shared its photo… 🙂

  9. Awww, this was so special! Ysraela

  10. A hard week to be in the industry indeed — and married to a pilot… Thanks for this wonderful post and for remaining fearless regarding the safest mode of transport! 💗

  11. It is very sad news and I always fly with Germanwings, too. It is unbelievable. Thanks for the bit of gentleness!

  12. Oui, cela fait du bien, en effet, après ce triste événement j’adore les chats! Bonne soirée Mélanie et doux week-end! Amitiés♥

  13. Madness stalks us from every shadow but we can still find respite in the beauty and grace of our world and its creatures. I enjoyed the picture of your two cats reading at the feline newstand.

  14. Splendides chats, j’adore le petit pika… Belle soirée, Mélanie.

  15. I love their freedom. Hard to understand about the copilot, better things of human nature still can happen this week.

    • nobody can understand a sick person, deeply depressed and under medication who decides to commit suicide by crashing a plane with 149 passengers… psychiatrists could explain why and how, but it’s too late for the German and Spanish families who have lost their loved ones… if you have some spare time, read this, please… scary!

      • Shocking reading (I’ve just finished to read it) – I hope that mental health should be a requirement to all people with responsibility of lives (doctors, pilots, politicians, etc) For now, the important is to give peace to the victims’ families, an unfair death.

  16. Very sad news, but you’re right, we cannot give into fear.

  17. cute animals! 🙂 yes, very sad news, such a tragic accident, it is overwhelming and unbelievable, Melanie! ❤

  18. Merci! oui cela du bien d’entrevoir la lumière, la semaine a vraiment été dure. Bonne journée, Mélanie! Bises!

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