Tokyo Metropolis – you have to see it, to believe it…:-)

– Charlotte(Scarlett Johansson): Je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je suis censée être…
– Bob(Bill Murray): tu arriveras à le comprendre… plus tu sauras qui tu es et ce que tu veux, moins tu accepteras qu’on t’embête. – “Lost in translation”:

Le Japon est absolument unique, différent de tout ce que j’ai visité avant… Tokyo – littéralement «capitale de l’est», anciennement Edo, est la première mégapole au monde, avec environ 37 millions d’habitants, sur un rayon de 50kms autour du palais impérial. Ils n’ont pas choisi d’embrasser l’avenir en sacrifiant leur passé compliqué – d’ailleurs, rien n’y est simple, tout y est paradoxal. Ils n’aiment pas trop les “gaijin”(étrangers), c’est la ville où le mot «impossible» est remplacé par «difficile», où les carottes sont rouges et les chauffeurs de taxi portent des gants blancs! 🙂 au fait, en japonais, on ne dit pas “tu me manques”, mais “il y a la tristesse et de l’abandon sans ta présence”… à propos, je ne suis jamais “perdue dans la traduction”, car nous communiquons avec des mots et des symboles communs, dont les émotions restent incrustés dans nos cœurs… tu me manques, cher Nihon! ❤   
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a very short overview of the Japanese capital and among my photos, there’s “Park Hyatt Tokyo” where “Lost in translation” was almost entirely shot – in the loudest and most colorful districts: Shinjuku and Shibuya… 🙂

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– Charlotte(Scarlett Johansson): I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be…
– Bob(Bill Murray): You’ll figure that out… The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you. – “Lost in translation”:

Japan is absolutely unique, unlike anything I’ve visited before… Tokyo – literally “eastern capital”, formerly Edo, is the first megacity in the world with almost 37 million inhabitants within a 50 km radius around the imperial palace. They haven’t chosen to embrace the future by sacrificing their complicated past. Nothing is simple, everything is paradoxical: they dislike the “gaijin”(outsiders), it is the city where the word “impossible” is replaced by “difficult”, where carrots are red and taxi drivers wear white gloves… 🙂 last but not least: in Japanese no one says “I miss you”, but “there is sadness and abandonment without your presence”… btw, I’m never “lost in translation”, ’cause we communicate by words and common symbols, whose emotions stay engraved inside our hearts… I miss you, dear Nihon! ❤

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 7 April 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 57 Comments.

  1. Love the amazing collection of photos and the insights into the Japanese such as there being no word for impossible, only the word difficult. That will be with me from now on.

  2. J’ai bien aime le film avec Murray et Johansson!

  3. Your blog is a constant surprise, Mélanie. You are a true globetrotter. Thanks for the peek at Japan’s amazing infrastructure. I would love to visit there one day. Love the “Lost in translation” quote. 🙂 xxx

  4. Tellement développés, qu’ils continuent à tuer des baleines et à massacrer les requins!!!…

  5. I can’t imagine that you are ever lost in translation or for translation. 😉

  6. What a delightfully, inspiring share… I’ve never been — but it’s on my list. Thanks to your insight, it just moved up many notches!!! Merci beaucoup! 😘

    • 🙂 avec joie, LLL = lovely luggage lady! ❤ if you ever fly to Japan, don't miss Kyoto where I've been twice… I could live there: 🙂

      Kyoto, mon amour…

      * * *
      P.S. I dedicated several posts to Nihon as I've been there 4 times, to all the main islands, did visit both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Yakushima island(earthly paradise!), etc… if you're interested and if you have some spare time, please enter "Japan" @ "search"… 🙂

  7. Do you ever stop in one place or are you constantly on the Move LOL 🙂 Lovely photos… and You take me all around the World. Hugs your way. Enjoy your week. Blessings, Sue

    • to answer your rhetorical question: yes, I do, of course… 🙂 btw, I’m a language teacher and a free lancer. Thanx, Sue and same heartfelt and friendly thoughts… ❤

      • 🙂 … Well you speak at least One more language than I… LOL… as I use Google Translate! We, English were very lazy back in the 50’s and 60’s when I was at school… And a language teacher how wonderful… 🙂

  8. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

  9. Incredible! I see why you love it.

  10. J’ai vu le film et l’ai trouvé pas mal du tout…

  11. Melanie, we just loved Japan. We could live there for sure. Leslie

  12. Extraordinary little house made garden in middle of the big buildings. Looks like a happy place.

  13. Thanks for your visit to Deranged Writers, glad you stopped by. – Just arrived here on your playground and am having a look around. Nice place. 🙂 Will be back.

    Hope to see you again and connect.

  14. Comme c’est bien dit et expliqué que tout cela Mélanie! Tes photos sont aussi spéciales et superbes!

  15. Beautiful, unique city. Great photos, Melanie. When was that?

  16. I want to see it more than anything else!!! especialy for the “old charms and styles”, hard for us to understand but very interesting!!! good for you! I know you are “in love” with Japan!

  17. Very interesting post, thank you!

  18. Welcome to Japan! What time of Japan, dear Mélanie?

  19. I’d love to visit Japan. I met a Japanese woman once, she was extremely charming and beautiful.

    • I do believe you, CG – 100%! btw, I could live in Kyoto… voilà:

      Kyoto, mon amour…

      * * *
      in case you’re interested and you have some spare time, please enter “Japan” @ “search” and you’ll come across other bloposts dedicated to Nihon… 🙂

  20. Hope you arrange another visit 😊❤️ xxx

  21. Japan has flourished in the world of infrastructure and architecture, wonder if it retains some of its old world charms and styles, getting a bit carried away Melanie as I reminisce on old movies I have seen.

  22. Japan is full of surprises and beauty.
    Excellent sharing, Melanie – Thank You

    Big Hugs


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