purple lilac rain…:-)

motto:”Je rêve et je me réveille dans une odeur de lilas…”(Louis Aragon)

presque tous les pétales de “sakura” sont tombés, laissant la place aux lilas violets – comme 2 amoureux qui se quittent, après avoir choisi des chemins opposés, en mettant fin à leur amour de printemps… le présent et l’avenir proche sont en pleine floraison, ils se reflètent dans mes pensées, je respire leur parfum avant qu’elles s’envolent vers d’autres horizons… je marcherai dans une autre saison, je raccrocherai mon rêve à mon cœur, tandis que les “papillons” fragiles et victorieux danseront comme de splendides bouquets d’un jardin secret et magique… 🙂

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motto:”I dream and I wake up within a lilac fragrance…”(Louis Aragon)

almost all the “sakura” petals have fallen, leaving behind room to purple lilacs – like 2 lovers who have split, after they’ve chosen opposite ways, ending up their springtime love affair… the present and the near future are in full bloom, they are reflected over my thoughts, I breathe their scent before they take off to new horizons… I’m gonna move forward to another season, I’ll tightly hang my dream to my heart, while victorious and delicate “butterflies” will dance like gorgeous bouquets from a secret and magic garden… 🙂

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 19 April 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 61 Comments.

  1. all these scents are bewitching!

  2. Loving your beautiful introduction to summer through the flowers. 🙂

  3. In faţa casei noastre sunt trei tufe mari de liliac alb, lilas şi grenat, şi când adie vântul se înfioară şi cerul de mireasma lor… le regăsesc aici scuturându-şi parfumul printre cuvntele tale meşteşugite…

  4. I love the scent of Lilacs – ours are coming! beautiful, Melanie!

    • hola Superduque777! el link de tu blog ha aterrizado en el “spam” porque WordPress piensa que es indeseable… por eso, evitar la publicación de links solas en el futuro, por favor y gracias de antemano! 🙂

  5. Bănuiesc un parfum mirific. Minunat!

  6. Lilac – ah – the scent from my childhood garden that follows me wherever I go… love Lilac 🙂

  7. Though I have had very little time to glance at the blogs, I have at least seen your beautiful flowers every morning and it inspired me to freshen up the garden beds this weekend… I think my garden is happy again. Though the birds were annoyed that I was at it all day and they couldn’t get to the bird feeder all day. 😀

  8. muy bonita Melanie – and lilac has been one of the hardest plants for me to grow – I have two of those shrubs that have taken forever to get going – but I still wait – anyhow, lovely gallery and the photos/words do this plant justice! ❤

  9. The progression of photos is a great idea. i love seeing that. Enjoyed the post. Thanks.

    • I NEVER plan or schedule my posts, my playground is a melting pot with spontaneous “stuff”, inspired by anything… 🙂 I do appreciate your generous words, Eileen… ❤

  10. Beautiful… so, so beautiful! 🙂

  11. Your season is a little ahead of ours. Our lilacs aren’t out yet. You are right the lilacs have a heavenly scent. Leslie

  12. I’m loving all the lilacs – ours won’t be out for a while yet, so it’s good to know that they are on their way!

  13. Ce dor imi e sa-mi afund fata in flori de liliac si sa inspir, pana la refuz, aroma lor de primavara! N-am mai vazut liliac de 10 ani de cand ne-am mutat in Florida. 🙂

  14. Supranumit și ”floarea memoriei”, pe lângă alte semnificații (liliacul mov mai înseamnă și o mărturisire a încrederii), liliacul prin mirosul său delicat și subtil trezește amintiri demult uitate. Dintre florile de primăvară liliacul îmi place în mod deosebit și am văzut că și ție. O duminică frumoasă!

    • ce-i drept, ador liliacu’ si bujorii… cunosti cu siguranta produsele Yves Rocher prezente si-n România: ambele-s extrem de fidele celor doua specii de flori… multumesc pentru comentariu’-ti interesant, Geta ❤ si-aceleasi calde urari!

  15. Love the images here, spring season at its best!

  16. Our lilacs are just starting to show some green. It’s nice to look ahead s few weeks. Thanks.

  17. More beautiful lilac and more beautiful words from you and Louis Aragon.

  18. A “Prince’ of blooms”! 😉 Lovely – just the thing to cheer me up a rather wet Sunday here in Cantal! 🙂

  19. these are so beautiful – such richness!

  20. Another collection of beautiful purple flower photos! Just stunning!

  21. Cred c-am văzut un “norocel” în poza a doua!!! 😀

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