méli-mélo de fin de semaine…:-)

un triangle entr’ouvert, un cercle étoilé d’éclairs, qqs roses… 🙂 les maths auront toujours été un mystère abstrait, impénétrable pour moi, mais j’aime bien la géométrie concrète – d’où ce triangle isocèle ou équilatéral, et ce cercle, non-vicieux… 🙂 les 2 se trouvent à Sarasota, Florida; voici 2 citations qui complètent à merveille mon idée:

– “L’amour, c’est la foi, c’est la religion du bonheur terrestre – c’est un triangle lumineux placé à la voûte de ce temple qu’on appelle le monde.”(Alfred de Musset)
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– “L’amour est toute la vie, il est vain de prétendre qu’il y a d’autres équilibres. Le dénué d’amour trace partout des cercles dont le centre n’est pas.”(Andrée Chédid)

* * *
quant aux roses, je leur ai murmuré:”fiat lux!” – que la lumière soit! – et l’ambre de tes yeux est devenue flamme incandescente, lueur d’espoir et balise lumineuse dans la pénombre de la vie où les roses d’amour poussent dans nos cœurs… ❤

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an ajar triangle, a starry and lightning circle, a few roses… 🙂 maths have always been an abstract and impenetrable mystery to me, but I do like concrete geometry – hence this isosceles or equilateral triangle, and this circle, thus non-vicious… 🙂 they’re both in Sarasota, Florida; here are 2 quotes that fill up perfectly my idea:

– “Love is the faith and the religion of earthly happiness – it’s a bright triangle, situated into the vault of this temple called the world.”(Alfred de Musset)
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– “Love is the whole life, it’s useless to claim that there are other balances. The loveless ones draw circles everywhere whose center they are not.”(Andrée Chedid)

* * *
as for my roses, I whispered to them:”fiat lux” – let there be light! and your amber eyes have turned into a burning flame, a glimmer of hope and a guiding beacon throughout the dim light of life, where love roses grow inside our hearts… ❤
* * *
Have a sunny weekend, guys – with lots of love roses in your heart(s)! 🙂

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 22 May 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. “as for my roses, I whispered to them:”fiat lux” – let there be light! and your amber eyes have turned into a burning flame, a glimmer of hope and a guiding beacon throughout the dim light of life, where love roses grow inside our hearts…” Beautiful! You lit up my day.

  2. J’aime les deux photos avec sculptures.

  3. The sun has already beamed on the first day of our weekend. Hope it continues tomorrow. Sunshine and roses back to you. 🙂

  4. Magnifique méli-mélo de roses rouges, j’adore. 🙂

  5. I love maths, they require a soul of artist to solve their problems. I’m sure you could (you can) been a great mathematician with the correct teacher. Happy weekend to you too Mélanie 😉

    • come on, FR, let’s be realistic… the point is I’m not interested in numbers or in maths teachers… 🙂

      • Let’s start with the basics 😉 Just one like you on this Earth. Two – the eyes with which I see your kind worlds of blue skies and colorful flowers. Three – the soul, mind and heart that shape your explorer spirit. Four – the seasons in your garden… Of course, I know that we have to follow our interests and desires, there is no time for more. I simply believe that mathematicians and artists are related in the way how they get to a conclusion.

  6. Superbe méli-mélo Mélanie! 🙂 ❤

  7. Lovely photos for a wonderful post…

  8. All the best for a wonderful weekend for you, too, Melanie.

  9. “Love is the whole life, it’s useless to claim that there are other balances.” I found this to be true as well.

    Have a wonderful, sunny and loving weekend, yourself! ❤ ❤

  10. ”Umbrit de rozele ce-au fost,
    Visând sub rozele de-acum.” 🙂

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