“Skeleton Flowers” – Nature’s perfect and unique beauty…:-)

les pétales de ces fleurs deviennent transparents, comme du cristal, chaque fois qu’il pleut et dès qu’ils entrent en contact avec l’eau… incroyable, mais vrai: un autre chef-d’œuvre, signé “Dame Nature”! 🙂
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these flowers become transparent whenever it rains and their petals turn crystal clear in contact with water… amazing, but true: another masterpiece, signed “Lady Nature”! 🙂

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N.B.”Diphelleia grayi” est le nom scientifique de la “Fleur-squelette” qui pousse sur les flancs des montagnes humides et boisées, dans les régions froides du Japon, de la Chine et des Appalaches(USA); elle est instantanément reconnaissable à ses grandes feuilles, en forme de parapluie. Ah, lorsque ses feuilles sèchent, elle redevient blanche… 🙂
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N.B.”Diphelleia grayi” is the scientific name of the “Skeleton Flower” that grows on moist, wooded mountainsides, in colder regions of Japan, China and the Appalachian Mountains in the US; it’s instantly recognizable by its large, umbrella-like leaves. Oh, and when the leaves dry out, they turn back to being white… 🙂 more @ http://www.boredpanda.com/skeleton-flower-clear-see-through-rain-wet-diphylleia-grayi/

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 18 July 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 35 Comments.

  1. Amazing! I have never seen these before.

  2. Je ne connaissais pas, étonnantes, ces fleurs!

  3. What an interesting flower Melanie, wonder if they grow in South America Chile region, or maybe one of the beautiful flowers of the Atacama desert, just googled and nothing showed up so will do a bit more checking out. They actually look like glass or crystal.

  4. La Harpie Feroce

    la première fois que je vois ça, il le faut le voir pour le croire, effectivement. Good Morning, Mel@ de Toulouse!

  5. That is a bizarre thing to be learning right before bedtime! I wonder what my dreams (or nightmares) will be like tonight?! 😮

  6. Într-adevăr natura mereu uimitoare. Floarea este, superbă și ca înfățișare și comportare ce îi dă unicitate. Sincer, acum văd această floare prima oară, aici la tine, mulțumesc. O duminică excelentă!

  7. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

  8. These are so cool. Mother Nature never fails to surprise me!

  9. Oh, those are beautiful! Very nice… thank you for sharing. 🙂

  10. breathtaking elegance! thanks Mélanie! 🙂

  11. Thank you for this wonderful introduction, Melanie. So exquisite.

  12. Wow… I have never seen this flower before. How beautiful Melanie. Enjoy a perfect weekend! xxx Sue

  13. I’ve never seen these but aren’t they gorgeous. Do they need to grow at higher elevations?

    • not necessarily very high, but chilly, as it’s been mentioned above: wooded mountainsides, in colder regions of Japan, China and the Appalachian Mountains in the US… 🙂

  14. I’ve only ever seen these in one other place, or I should say… Something similar, my mother had a flowering plant like this when she lived way out in the country. About 3-4 hours from me. I could never get them to grow! 😉 but they were the most unique thing I had ever seen.

  15. Those are beautiful. I have never seen them before – thanks.

  16. They are unique and beautiful! Great captures. 🙂

  17. oh I love these, never seen them before, they’re so pretty.

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