plateau de novembre…:-)

une nouvelle aube voilée, sans ombre, à l’écoute du silence… encore une fois, Novembre va et vient, avec son rouge éclatant et son jaune tendre, étalés sur le ciel azur… même faible, sa lumière réchauffe et caresse les feuilles mortes sur mon plateau… elles sont décolorées et “blessées” par l’automne, mais elles conservent leur splendeur initiale… ce mois-ci me rappelle le départ définitif de l’été, et l’approche de la dernière saison de l’année… néanmoins, je souris, en regardant le solitaire “intrus rouge-passion” qui semble “figé-amoureux” de la feuille dorée… et puis, grâce à TOI, mon novembre a goût de champagne… 🙂

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another hazy dawn, shadowless, listening to silence… once again, November comes and goes with its flamboyant red and soft yellow, spread all over the azure sky… yet weak, its light warms up and cuddles the fallen leaves on my tray… they’re faded and “wounded” by Fall, but they still preserve their original splendor… this month reminds me summer’s final departure, and the approach of the last season of the year… nevertheless, I smile at the lonesome ‘passion-red intruder’ which seems to be ‘stuck-in love’ with the golden leaf… and then, I realize YOU make my November taste like champagne… 🙂
* * *
Have a merry Monday and a happy week, folks! 🙂

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 21 November 2016, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. November has been so full of colour… 🙂 Your slide show reflects this! xxx

  2. love these colours – our November has been wet and wetter!

  3. Elles sont magnifiques les fleurs.

  4. Wow… very nice! It finally feels like November… my toes are cold and I have to put on my socks and a sweater, LOL. But it won’t last long. It is supposed to be warm again in a day or two. I’ll get a little more November over the holiday but after that, I’ll just have to see it through your posts. Have a happy week!

  5. J’adore la lumière de l’automne. Elle rend tout “plus”! Plus dorée, plus rouge, plus bleue… tu as tellement bien capturé ceci, Mélanie!

  6. The colours are so intense in autumn preparing us for the coming months.

  7. I love Autumn but November has a particular charisma I think being the pont between the full splendour of Fall and the full bite of winter. Your picture gallery is delicious and your words absolutely capture the spirit of this maligned month that really is quite beautiful.

  8. I have always had a melancholy in this season and I don’t know if it was because winter was around the corner… if the holidays were too traumatic… or possibly the leaves that fall to the ground. Even being in Florida, where it is technicolor year round, I still feel a bit of that sadness… and ending. Hope all is well with you, Melanie. Sending lots of blessings… ❤

  9. Bonjour Mélanie,

    C’est vrai que novembre révèle parfois de belles surprises bien que ce soit bientôt l’hiver. J’ai toujours plaisir à venir sur ton espace si varié. Bonne journée, Mo

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