Sakura @ Yokohama, Japan-Nihon…

motto:“Le vent agite les cerisiers sauvages dont les feuilles touffues laissent s’écouler toute l’eau céleste qu’elles avaient provisoirement retenue à l’intérieur.”(Natsume Sôseki – romancier japonais)

ces photos me rappellent un après-midi de fin-mars à Kyoto, en train d’admirer les cerisiers fleuris avec une profonde émotion – jamais éprouvée avant – qui m’a redonné la sensation d’exister… la vie ressemblait étrangement à un cerisier qui dépérit en automne et refleurit au printemps; 2 ans plus tard, en juin, je suis revenue à “Kyoto, mon amour”, et les cerisiers étaient “nus”, mais le charme de la ville était toujours là – comme un éternel recommencement – de l’aube au crépuscule 🙂

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motto:”The wind shakes up the wild cherry trees whose thick leaves drop the heavenly water they had temporarily held inside.”(Natsume Sôseki – Japanese novelist)

these pictures remind me of one late-March afternoon, in Kyoto, admiring the cherry blossoms with a deep emotion – never experienced before – which did give me a sense of existing… oddly, life seemed to be a cherry tree that would fade away in autumn and would bloom again in spring; 2 years later, by the end of June, I returned to Kyoto, my love” and, the cheery-trees were “naked”, but the charm of the city was always there – just like an eternal beginning – from dawn to dusk 🙂

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 26 March 2018, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. unique post – nice video!

  2. The cherry blossoms are very beautiful right now in Yokohama. You got some really nice shots!

  3. Lovely, Melanie. A beautiful harbinger of spring. –Curt

  4. That would be stunning to see, Melanie. We were there just as it was beginning a few years ago.

  5. This beautiful time of year in Japan. Once I was privileged to be there for the occasion. Thank you for this sharing!

  6. Ho ascoltato una canzone che aveva il titolo di quella località… 🙂

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