About my French-English ‘rye field’…:-)

Bonjour-Hello everybody! 🙂 You’ve just landed @ a fun & stress-free zone, “Far from the (real!) Madding Crowd”(Thomas Hardy’s novel!), with NO ‘elitist’ claims or snobbish targets, it’s NOT a Nobel prize race, it’s a relaxing field, with NO commercial purposes and NO ads! Andy Warhol said:”In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15′.” – well, I don’t look for those 15′ of virtual or real fame! This is not an intimate or personal diary, but a creativity, dialogue, communication and fun spot: I like playin’ and jugglin’ with words! I was born in Romania, I do feel European, and France has been my current homeland for decades. I also spent 5 years in Houston(Clear Lake-NASA subdivision, TX, USA). I’m not gonna edit my CV(résumé in English, LOL!) or my degrees, ’cause who really cares?! 😉 I came  across people with high degrees on several continents who did not impress me much, whereas I met people with no degree(s) – far more interesting and more impressive than the first ones. ‘Life experience diplomas’ are my cup(s) of green tea or dark coffee! 🙂 I reckon myself as ‘a global citizen’, a stand-by passenger, waiting for the next connecting, exciting and challenging flight. My Latin motto is:”memento mori, carpe diem et gaudeamus igitur!” – remember you’ll die, live this very day and therefore, let’s enjoy it to the fullest! 🙂

N.B “I am a guest in your life. You are a guest in mine. Not something, perhaps, requiring a dress code, but a little etiquette?”(Robert Brault)

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My blogging experience started in 2008 when I was honored to become an active, constant and faithful contributor to Mrs Anne Sinclair’s blog until mid-May 2011 – a wonderful and enriching season for which I’m still grateful and thankful. She’s a French well-known and respected journalist, both in France and in the US: http://annesinclair.typepad.fr/journal/
I’m not living in a ‘teddybear land'(sic!), but I refuse and I avoid to complain about life, as it’s boring, vain and useless. I’ve chosen to be cheerful, positive, optimistic: what you see is what you get, but frankly speakin’ you can’t and you won’t get it all! 😉 I don’t hold any absolute truth, I don’t try to impose myself, to give lessons, to prove or to show off anything – both virtually or/and in real life. After all, I’m not a ‘facebook status’ or a ‘blog post’ to be liked, so I quote a close and “old” friend:”take me, accept me or leave me, but remember this: if you leave me, it’s gonna be your loss, not mine!”, thus:”Qui m’aime, me suive!” – “Who likes me, (will) follow me!”(Philippe VI de Valois)

Make yourself at home, but please do remember: you are in my home, so decent language and mutual respect are highly appreciated. I don’t belong to any social networks, I don’t have a blogroll and I don’t follow any blogs, as my spare time is quite limited! NO awards, NO trolls, NO fake or automatic ‘likes’, SVP-PLEASE, for I’m thoroughly interested in QUALITY, not in quantity! 🙂 Regarding copyright – unless otherwise stated, all of the texts and pix you see here are mine – legally protected by international laws. If you like any of them, just ask for my permission or/and quote the source(s). You are kindly invited to interact, to play, and to enjoy the ride(s); French, English, Romanian, Spanish and Italian comments are welcome! MERCI-THANX for your attention and for your comprehension! Sincerely yours, Mélanie – wild Nature, cat and literature lover, down-to-earth Cappy gal, regular or episodic wayfarer – in short:”une dilettante générale assumée” qui se régale de la vie – an assumed general dilettante who enjoys life… 🙂

  1. Un blog molto bello. Hai tanta fantasia e gioia di vivere!

  2. I love the quote “I am a guest in your life. You are a guest in mine. Not something, perhaps, requiring a dress code, but a little etiquette?” – Imagine what a world it could be if everyone embraced it! 🙂

  3. Beau portrait que voilà, joliment brossé. Je suis contente de te rencontrer!

  4. Bonjour!

    About pages are always interesting to read, so is yours. – Les pages de “à propos” sont toujours intéressantes à lire, ainsi est la vôtre.

    Belle journée!

  5. I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog. We have friends near Toulouse who we visited on our last trip to France so who knows, I may even see something familiar some time.

    • Bonjour Jenny & welcome to my playground! I’m not surprised to hear you have friends nearby Toulouse, ’cause it’s a small world… enter “Toulouse” @ search, please and you’ll certainly come across something familiar… my very best and have a cozy week down there! 🙂

  6. Just moved to Colorado 7 months ago from League City! My how it has grown!

    • wow, I love Colorado! ❤ btw, a German-American couple of friends left Clear Lake for Boulder a few years ago… 🙂 last but not least: yesterday, I met here in SF a couple of friends from League City who stopped over on their way to LA – small world! 🙂

      • And we were here on vacation 2 years ago and rented a vacation loft from a couple who moved here from Clear Lake and they both had worked with people we went to church with. Colorado is full of Texans as you know. Our neighbor, my hand surgeon, people up and down our street, waitresses, retail workers. It’s pretty crazy for us but then it is well known that Texans love Colorado. We are living 20 minutes from Durango in Vallecito in the San Juan Mountains on a creek. It is so awesome. I love breathing the clean air.

  7. Thank you for dropping by to say hello, Mélanie. It’s a pleasure to join you, and others on this exciting journey. Your observations and thoughts are food for the soul – thanks for sharing! 🙂

  8. I wanted to leave individual comments on your blog post but didn’t find a way… therefore I say it here: lovely and inspired writing, plus your translations allow me to brush up on my French! 🙂

  9. Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate it very much. 🙂

  10. Thank you so much for opening your home for guests. (Mine feels more like a closet.) I enjoyed reading your French. There is something about the language that makes me want to slow down and savour the words. Have a great evening. x SB

  11. hello, bonjour, buenos dias e buon giorno! how do you keep up with all your readers? if you’ve missed news from L’Académie Française, do check out my “Immortels”… 🙂

    • @”how do you keep up with all your readers?…” – well, I guess THEY do keep up with me, thus, I’m glad and thankful for their constant loyalty… 🙂

  12. Thank you for correcting the French word in my post. Merci so much.

  13. Aha Mélanie – now I understand why you asked me about my interest in Romanian blogs. 🙂

  14. thank you very much for your like my visual 🙂 you are welcome. Soul

    • con piacere e con amicizia, Soul… 🙂 in passato, ho già visitato il tuo blog interessante, ti ricordi di me? buona serata e tonnellate di ispirazione! 🙂

      • Adesso si mi ricordo 🙂 il fatto è che sono stato assente su wp ma sono ritornato 🙂 comunque grazie ancora, ti auguro una buona serata. Soul

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. It’s much appreciated. Your words are an inspiration. Hello from Australia! 😊

  16. Whoops, I’m following you now!

  17. Je suis impressionnée par cette présentation! Pensées depuis Toulouse (je pressens qu’elles n’ont pas beaucoup de route à faire!) 😉

  18. I see you have been blogging for a while. You are fortunate to be multilingual, having many worlds of words, phrases and expressions.

  19. Melanie, I just realized you do not accept awards. I had nominated you for one earlier. I do think you have a very interesting and wonderful blog though.

  20. Hello, thank you for diving into my blog! It is great!

  21. 🙂 thanx, “grand-daddy”! as a typical and genuine Cappy gal, I love mountains… 😉

  22. Bună Melanie! Mă bucur că ai trecut pe la mine și că ți-au plăcut (chiar) toate articolele mele. Mă simt onorată, văzând oameni cu experiență de blog, că ajung în sufletele lor. Eu mâine fac exact o lună de când m-am apucat de treaba asta și în fiecare zi descopăr oameni noi, deosebiți, cu care relaționez. Te aștept cu mare drag de câte ori îmi treci pragul virtual.

    • bine-ai aterizat la locu’-mi de joaca, Funny Gal! 🙂 multumesc pentru vorbele-ti generoase si ref la super-blogu’-ti, îti confirm ca bifez “like” numa’ DUPA ce-am citit un post… din moment ce-ai lasat mesaju’ aici, sper ca ti-ai facut deja o idee generala despre mine… 🙂 salutari toulousene, tone de inspiratie si-amicale gânduri… pe curând! 🙂

  23. As you know, AnElephant is a big fan of your blog. He adores crazy ladies, he invites you to visit a new site he is launching, in cahoots with his far more talented colleague Emmy L Gant: https://cavalairesurmer.wordpress.com/
    It is an English language site for his little home town. And contains his usual mix of irrelevant nonsense. Câlins!

  24. Hola! I just nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Feel free to accept or ignore! 🙂

  25. Thank you for stopping by Storyteller. — Ray. Wow! Yours is some blog. Wonderful.

  26. good grief! you have heavily impressed quite a number of people… i’m stunned, too.

  27. I can relate to this Melanie! Nice to meet you 🙂

  28. I am pleased to see that you’ve ‘liked’ a number of posts on my two blogs – just catching up with yours 🙂

    • Bonjour Polly & welcome to my playground! I did like your posts and I’m glad to have come across your interesting blog via Léa… thanx for your visit, have a great day & c u asap! 🙂

  29. Very nice blog. Thanks for sharing all your fantastic posts, dear Mélanie. Wish you all the best for 2015. XOXO Julia ❤

  30. I am pleased to inform you that I have nominated you for the Real Neat Blog Award, find the details here: http://4yearoldadult.wordpress.com/2015/01/10/real-neat-blog-award/
    Looking forward to your response 🙂

  31. One of the best bio I have ever come across 🙂

  32. AnElephantCant help thinking
    This is some crazy stuff you have created
    You may be slightly mad
    But please don’t be sad
    AnElephant thinks sanity is vastly overrated

  33. “… as my spare time is quite limited! NO fake or automatic ‘likes’, SVP-PLEASE, ’cause I’m thoroughly interested in QUALITY, not in quantity!” – liked this. I too advocate Quality over Quantity. You are such a down to earth, no nonsense lady. thanks for the peep in to many of my posts and liking them. Wish you adventurous and happy n healthy New year! and have pleasant Sunday. I feel lucky you found me. 😉

    • bonjour and welcome to my playground, Rekha! 🙂 thanx for your kind comment and generous wishes… I’ve found your awesome blog via NatureSpeak Photos and I’m lucky, too… 🙂 my very best and tons of inspiration! have a splendid, positive and optimistic 2015! cheers, friendly thoughts & c u asap! 🙂

  34. Asa e daca nu citesti prezentarea… ma bucur ca vorbim aceiasi limba! 🙂 Drumuri Bune, Drumuri de Poveste!

    • exact, “adailton”, da’ mai bine mai târziu decât neam de loc… 🙂 de câte ori dau peste un blog, citesc mereu “about” înainte de-a ma “aventura” mai departe… voi fi trait mai multi ani aici decât în România, voi fi folosit engleza, franceza, italiana si spaniola mai mult decât româna, însa se pare ca ma descurc dincolo de onorabil în limba-mi materna… 🙂 da, vor fi în curând alte drumuri de poveste… multumesc pentru popasu’-ti amical, LMA cu sanatate, bucurii, realizari: un 2015 formidabil! 🙂

  35. Great Latin motto. Seeing your photo, I would love to stand inside a rye field.

  36. In the words of Andy Warhol ‘I’m optimistic about absolutely nothing’ – I think there is hope even in those words. We can be optimistic about the simplest things and these simple things will make us smile. I’m so delighted to have discovered you and your blog. Much Love, Amber (Adam)

    • Bonsoir Adam-Amber & welcome to my playground! 🙂 mille merci-thanx for your generous words and kind comments… have a pleasant evening and a formidable weekend! friendly thoughts and c u asap! 🙂

  37. Mélanie, Wow it does sound we have a lot in common! 🙂 I look forward to getting to know you better. Merry Christmas! Melody

  38. Do you know the old Irving Berlin song “A PRETTY GIRL IS LIKE A MELODY”? It strikes me that, with the same number of syllables, you could substitute “MELANIE” for ‘MELODY” and have a very “fitting” personal theme song!

  39. So nice to meet you! Love the photos here. Wow! 🙂

  40. “SVP-PLEASE” – Haha, I like that! I’m so happy to find someone born in Romania. I love your blog and your honesty. Have a sunny day! 🙂

  41. Melanie, your about page is one of the most honest and intriguing ones I’ve ever read. And thanks for saying that degrees don’t impress you much.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀

    • mille merci-thanx a bunch of your favourite flowers, Wendy! you did touch my heart… ❤ I'm direct, sincere, no uselees bla-bla, no flattery, “sugary stuff” or hypocrisy… I'm quoting an American friend and I totally agree with her: take me or leave(accept) me, but if you leave me, it's gonna be your loss, not mine! 🙂

      btw, I love your lovely country… 🙂

  42. LOL this made me laugh. You’re a great writer!

  43. Grazie mille Melanie per la tua visita nel mio visual dialogue. 🙂 Ti auguro un buon fine settimana. Soul.

    • ciao, Soul-anima e grazie per la gentile visita @ mio “playground”… 🙂 il tuo blog è molto interessante, tornerò il più presto possibile… stessi auguri e à presto!

  44. Hello Melanie! … and blimey O’Reilly, you paid me a great compliment by visiting so many of the beeseeker posts. For which many thanks, of course. I am swiftly typing this as I am about to fly to Estonia, hope to get back and get to see more of your own blog. Meanwhile – be happy! 🙂

  45. Melanie – Couldn’t agree more with your statements. I’ve met people with multiple degrees who couldn’t write a clear sentence, and others with no more than a HS Education who could fix anything and taught themselves to play guitar. Too many labels in this world. I like the Lakota concept of leadership. If you were a good leader people would follow you, camp with you, stay close to you. If you were not you could wake up in the morning and find you had the only Teepee in the camp! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I look forward to seeing more of yours as my time allows! All the best – gfs

  46. I love the idea of a blog being one’s playground! Lovely “about” page, Melanie. Hugs! 🙂

  47. Cool to read a bit about you and have a wander through your playground. Thanks for stopping by to take a squiz at my wee blog. Keep enjoying all that gorgeous French food and wine. 🙂

  48. Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Clare

  49. Melanie, you are the traveler!!! Bonsoir! Wanda

  50. What an exciting life you’ve lived thus far, Mélanie. It’s clear you have a deep well of tales to dip into. Plus your philosophy about life and blogging truly resonates. I have no doubt countless posts of yours will as well. I look forward to discovering them. Cheers!

  51. You are such an interesting woman. Play on sister~

  52. Thank you on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to like our poetry. May our poetry bless your heart and mind! 🙂

  53. Hi Melanie,
    Can you help me do translate my post into French. Post link: http://wp.me/p3dJz1-cb
    If interested, send me your mail id on my blog’s contact page, regards.

  54. Thank you for taking the time to read my POETRY, I appreciate it. I love the picture and the flowers on the side of the stairs are beautiful. Alexander

    • hi and welcome to my crossroads, Alex! I’m a poetry lover and it’s been a real joy to read yours… 🙂 thanx for stoppin’ by, tons of inspiration and have a positive week! cheers, Mélanie

  55. Yes! Yes! Yes! I LOVE your playground, Mélanie.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  56. Hi Melanie,
    Du beschreibst deine Art, wie Du lebst und denkst sehr interessant und lebensnah. Ja, es führen viele Wege nach Rom… Wenn Du Zeit und Lust hast so kannst Du mein UEBER MICH lesen! Hier beschreibe ich mich auf eine etwas andere Art. (Fifty things about me). Liebe Grüsse, Ernst

    You describe your way you live and think very interesting and realistic. Yes, many roads lead to Rome… If you have time and desire, you can read my ABOUT ME! Here I describe myself in a slightly different way (Fifty things about me). Greetings, Ernst

  57. Thank you, Melanie, on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to like our poetry. May our poetry bless your heart and mind! 🙂

  58. I guess I was slow to see this wonderful glimpse into you. I want to assure you I have never given you an automatic “like,” though sometimes I don’t have the time — or even the ability — to respond in a meaningful way. I continue to be impressed with your linguistic ability. Almost all other talents fail by comparison.

    • I do believe you, I’m glad, honored and thankful you’ve read my “about”… lots of Europeans speak several languages, so I’m not an exception to the rule… 🙂 long story, very short: you did touch my heart… HHH = huge heartfelt hugs… ❤

  59. Please join us in this collaborative effort, artists4peace, by sending in your work to artists4peaceproject@gmail.com Our goal is to spread love, understanding and peace through art. Please check my blog for more information. Would love to hear from you. Thank you! 🙂

    • thanx, Gigi! PEACE has always been a vast, serious and honorable topic, but very delicate, too… nowadays, shall we begin with the tragic situation in Iraq and Israel?… or Guantanamo, Cuba?…

  60. I like that you are not complaining about life and that you´re cheerful, plus you like literature and so do I, so that makes the perfect match. About the cat thing… they just give me the willies, I prefer dogs.

    • 🙂 Hi Charlie and welcome to my crossroads! r u of Italian origin?… I do like all animals with one exception: reptiles, so I like dogs, too, but I’m a catlover! 🙂

  61. I like the feel over here… light and authentic… Thanks for visiting me, so I could find my way over here. I look forward to reading more.

  62. Este es un lugar muy especial, con tantos idiomas distintos, y culturas, es fantástico. Espero que sepas algo de español. Pero en mi blog también tengo cosas en inglés, sobre todo en materia de poesía. Thanks again for your visits and likes. Lino

    • hola de Tolosa, Francia, 3h-coche de Barcelona, olé! 🙂 muchas gracias por tu comentario agradable y generoso, Lino! me encanta español mucho y me las arreglo bastante bien en este idioma maravilloso… mi blog es un “crisol de razas”(melting pot!) y un parque infantil… 🙂 mis mejores deseos, un montón de inspiración y hasta proxima! P.S. Tengo una buena amiga que pasó 4 años en su hermoso país que a menudo profundamente extrañado…

  63. I congratulate you for declaring yours an Award Free Blog. I must do the same with mine. Those awards, no matter how lightly you must take them, are bad food for the ego, and take you back to the world of competition and the race for human prizes, when that’s precisely what we try to avoid by having these wonderful places of calm and sincerity. It´s been a pleasure, Melanie. PS Thanks for visiting my blog.

    • first of all, thanx for reading my “about”! 🙂 2nd of all: I totally and absolutely agree with you… 🙂 premios virtuales realmente “suenan” tan superficial y “falso”, no tienen sentido y no puedo ver su objetivo… así, bienvenido a la que “ningún premio club”! 🙂 con amistad y hasta luego! P.S. sabes que el actor francés Lino Ventura?… 🙂

  64. Hi Melanie! Thank you for visiting me!! 🙂 I very much enjoyed reading your posts~and absolutely love your multicultural flare ~ Charmant!!!

    • hello and welcome to my crossroads, miss West517! 🙂 thanx for your kind words, young lady! so, do you speak French? 🙂 cheers & c u asap! P.S. I spent 3 weeks in your sunny state last year… 🙂

      • My pleasure! I hope you enjoyed your visit~ and got a chance to see a beach or two!! 🙂 I do speak some~ and a good mix of Portuguese 🙂 🙂

        • I did like Sanibel island, St-Augustine, St-Pete, Sarasota, Naples, Miami Beach… if you enter Florida @ “search”, you’ll see some… 🙂 I speak 5 languages and I do understand some Portuguese… good-night, pretty lady and c u soon, on the Moon! 😉

  65. I was most honored to have you visit my humble blog and like a few of my posts. I lived in Houston years ago and still visit and experience the international city that it has become. Your blog will be fun to explore as I like your attitude! Cheers from the gulf coast of Texas!

    • Hi, thanx and welcome to my crossroads! 🙂 we spent 5 days in Houston and Galveston 2 years ago to visit with dear friends, then we flew to Florida for 2 weeks… my beloved hubby is a rocket & satellite scientist, he worked for the ISS as an avionics architect of the X-38 project(ISS lifeboat). My very best, good night in Texas and friendly thoughts from Toulouse(Airbus City) – the European capital of space and aviation. Cheers! 🙂

  66. Nice, Melanie. It sounds like you know what you want with your blog. Good to meet you. My long ago relatives (1500’s) were born in France. Keep doing what you love. I am inspired. Je suis contente. Virtual Hugs.

    • mille merci, Drew, you did touch my heart… ❤ Speakin' of your French ancestors, have you ever been to France or to "old Europe?"… I think our roots and origins are extremely important for our own identity… my very best, HH = heartfelt hugs and c u asap… 🙂

      • No, I have not been to France but it is on my bucket list. 🙂

        • 🙂 glad to hear you plan to visit France… we have American friends of French-Québec origin in Houston, TX(3rd generation), they’ve always continued to speak French avec le charmant accent québécois and they’ve come to France more than 10 times, I guess… 🙂

          • Awesome 🙂 I want to get a flight and travel Europe. Stay in hostiles but because I am already 68 years of age, it is a difficult decision to go alone. I am divorced with mortgage on my back as well. But the dream is still on my list. Ha, ha!

  67. Hello Mélanie! Greetings from Japan! 🙂 Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I am happy to discover your beautiful site & photos. I will visit again! When you have time, I hope you’ll visit again, too! 😉 Best wishes, Takami

    • welcome & domo arigato, Takami-san! 🙂 I’ll certainly visit your nice blog as often as possible… I love and I miss Nihon sooo much, our Japanese friends from Kyushu, too! ❤ friendly thoughts & c u asap! Merani-san 🙂

  68. Dear Melanie,

    Thank you for visiting us and for your appreciations! I’ll take a look at your playground and I hope I’m not gonna disturb in any way the peace I can smell here. Smiling. George

  69. I like the way you call yourself a wayfarer. It’s a rather forgotten word, but it’s so right for this blog. In fact I think I might steal it for myself! 🙂

    • ❤ mille merci – thanx sooo much for taking one minute to read my "about"! you've forgotten the quotation marks @ "steal", I presume, but go ahead, be my guest, young lady… 😉

  70. Hi Mélanie! I have been invited to a blog hop. You answer 4 questions about your writing and invite 3 people to participate. Would you be interested? Let me know and I will send the particulars… 🙂 Blessitude… Lorrie

  71. Great playground your blog, funny jokes, stories and links. Can’t wait to play the next game. 🙂

  72. Hi Melanie! I’m so happy the road led me to here! You have a beautiful blog and I look forward to exploring more… 🙂 Thanks for stopping by mine… Blessitude!

  73. Bună ziua! Vă mulțumesc pentru vizită, m-ați copleșit cu like-uri, cu siguranță nu le merit dar mă bucur totuși, altfel, poate, nu v-aș fi descoperit blog-ul, sau ar fi durat ceva timp până s-o fac. Foarte impresionantă descriere ați făcut locului propriu de “joacă”, cu multă sinceritate și spontaneitate, mi-ați făcut poftă să cercetez mai departe. Înțeleg perfect ce scrieți în engleză dar prefer să comentez in română, să nu mă fac de râs. 🙂 O seară plăcută vă doresc!

    • Bine-ai aterizat la locu’ meu de joaca, Gina! 🙂 una la mâna: nu bifez niciodata “like” far’ sa citesc, deci te-asigur ca le-ai meritat; a doua – la picior(LOL!): daca m-ai citit de la cap la coada, am precizat despre comentarii ca-s bine-venite în franceza, engleza, româna, italiana, spaniola… 🙂 last but not least: n-ai cum sa te faci de râs, O.K. multumesc pentru popasu’-ti amical, o seara vesela si pe curând! 🙂 cu drag… ❤

      • Am citit până la capăt și am reținut că acceptați comentarii în 5 limbi diferite(aveți respectul meu, eu o “rup” doar în engleză și oarecum în franceză). Am vrut să mă bag și eu puțin în seamă. 😀

  74. Hoi, ich bin kein junger Mann 😉 dein About inspiriert und gefällt mir…

  75. you indeed speak your mind and very articulately! Pleased to meet you! You have a very interesting blog and it sounds a very interesting life! Cheers!

  76. I think I found a new playground to play in. I’ll certainly be back.

    • Hi and welcome, young man! 🙂 I visited Philly a few years ago and I loved it… small world! 🙂 N.B. feel free to correct my possible and eventual mistakes, SVP-please! 🙂

  77. Your playground sounds like the kind of place all adults could use, at least once a day. Thanks for creating it, Melanie.

  78. bonjour! and thanks for visiting my blog! 🙂

  79. Merci de visiter mon blog aujourd’hui. Vous avez un endroit agréable ici.

  80. Ma’m you do sound like an interesting person.

  81. Melanie, what an interesting introduction and I really enjoyed finding out more about you, after you visited my blog. I agree with the award free business, as I too feel fulfilled and have no need of such demands on my time! Thank you for your visits and I hope to see more of your posts!

    • Bonjour-hi Barbara, welcome and thanx for stopping by my crossroads! Glad to hear we’re on the same wavelength… 🙂 My very best, have a formidable weekend and c u asap! cheers! 🙂

  82. Lovely blog, feels good coming here. Thank you and kind regards.

  83. The Dancing Rider

    Ah, yes. Love it here. Yet ANOTHER blog to follow and read! 🙂 Love your outlook!

  84. @”I also met people with no degree(s) who are more interesting and more impressive than the first ones… Life experience diplomas have always been my cup(s) of green tea or dark coffee!”

    You have a beautiful site. Thank you for visiting mine. I am gonna hang out here for a while if that’s okay. Great stuff!

  85. Multumesc pentru like si ma bucur ca nu ati uitat locul unde v-ati nascut. Eu personal nu incerc decat sa prezint tara mea asa cum este o tara binecuvantata de Dumnezeu. Aveti un blog cu articole interesante. O seara buna in continuare.

    • Bine-ati “aterizat” la locu’ meu de joaca! 🙂 Asa cum am precizat, sunt nascuta în România, dar voi fi trait mai multi ani în afara tarii-mi natale, sunt cetateana franceza de peste 3 decenii, voi fi folosit franceza si engleza mai mult decât româna, iar daca-s întrebata de unde sunt, raspund mereu – indiferent pe ce ce meridian ma aflu: românca domiciliata-n Franta… Sper si vreau sa cred ca româna mea e înca onorabila! 🙂 multumesc pentru popas, sanatate, bafta si spor în tot ce v-ati propus… salutari toulousene si-o zi însorita! 🙂

  86. Thank You for liking my art Pieces!!! Visit anytime!!! 🙂 Cynthia

    • my joy and pleasure, Cynthia: admiration and respect for your artistic talent, as I have none! my very best, good luck in all your endeavours and cheers! 🙂

  87. Un blog che mi pare molto bello. Adesso lo seguo e lo esploro… e poi chiunque conosca St. Exupéry… io non riesco a leggerlo senza piangere – on so perché mi fa quell’effetto – ha un modo di sentire e di scrivere che mi commuove.

    • Ciao, grazie and welcome, Vera! we’ve already met before… 🙂 I’ve loved Tonio aka St-Ex since my highschool years, and then, I studied his works at the University… You may know that Toulouse is the European capital of space and aviation; I live at about 4kms away from the airfield where Antoine took off and landed many times before he vanished into the Mediterranean off Corsican coasts in August 1944, RIP… if you have some spare time and interest, prego enter Saint-Exupéry @ “search” and you’ll find several posts dedicated to this Renaissance man, a titan of French and of world’s culture… My very best, good luck in all your endeavours and c u asap! Have a pleasant Sunday and cheers! 🙂

      • … google searches already done… I have a lovely copy of all his work in a small book with silky pages that appeared on the 50th anniversary of his death (in French of course), and I have a biography of Consuelo too… I think he moves me because he is so sincere and his French is so beautiful. Now I’ll go see all about Toulouse… Wishing you roses and faithful foxes… Vera

  88. Un adevărat drum de răscruce, aici la tine! Mă bucur că ai ajuns la mine pe blog, mă bucur că te-am citit. Să zicem că franceza mea este ruginită bine, dar în engleză mă descurc mai bine. Totuşi prefer să-ţi scriu în română, având în vedere că sunt bine venite şi comentariile în această limbă. Îţi doresc să întâlneşti în drumul tău sau în popasul din răscruce numai oameni interesanti şi buni. Toate cele bune!

    • mii de multumiri pentru vizita-ti amicala la locu’ meu de joaca bilingv – “carrefour” international… 🙂 de-asta vara pâna-n prezent, voi fi avut parte de cititori/participanti interesanti, generosi, simpatici, amuzanti… salutari toulousene însorite, sanatate si numa’ bine! cu pretuire si-amicale gânduri… pe curând! 🙂 P.S. Deva mi-e un oras drag de câteva decenii… ❤

  89. very interesting… I like your idea as it sounds like mine:”no awards”! 🙂 I also count the quality rather than quantity. Because I happen to see some blogs with 1000s of followers but merely a few likes at my blog, I get at least 10% users like my posts within few hours, so it does mean they are real people may be! 🙂 I am working on this how to find the fake users/followers! 🙂 Thanks for your comments! 🙂 Grazie Mille! 🙂 I know a few Italian words because I was in Italy for sometime. I like European countries.

    • 🙂 ni hao ma, iku2e! thanx a bunch of your favourite flowers for reading my “about” and for your elaborated comment: you’ve made my mornin’… 🙂

      speakin’ of my followers(1701 – wow!) and other “traffic(like) hunters”(LOL!), it’s quite easy to detect them… btw, I was really fed-up with them, so last November, I had my blog’s name and address changed: my last post had “collected” almost 100 “likes”(hellooo!) and the followin’ one about 1/2, so QED… 🙂 The explanation is simple: fake likers have chosen the option of immediate and automatic click(like cross-out) of new posts a few seconds after being edited, without reading any word, not even the title(s) of the post(s)… 😀

      I visited your beautiful homeland a few years ago… last but not least: my only nephew, after one year as an exchange student, has decided to settle there! small world… 🙂 ciao, grazie e a presto! 🙂

      • Thanks Melanie. I really like Italian and Spanish, French people, lovely people. You are welcome to visit my homeland at any time! 🙂 For me the ones who comment on my posts are real ones. Others who like my posts but never comment, I believe they are robots! 🙂 I may need to ask them to enter some text before they like my post, so that I can confirm if they are not automated… 🙂

        • 🙂 You’re welcome! Thanx-merci for your kind words and friendly invitation to re-visit your amazin’ homeland… btw, I can speak Italian and Spanish quite honorably… 🙂 @”robots”?! no way: lots of machines are more interesting and more intelligent than “human robots”… 🙂 I’ll never waste my precious time with them, so from the very start: ignore=>spam=>delete… 😉 have a pleasant evening & c u asap!

          • Thanks a lot. I am happy to meet a nice person today! 🙂

            • 🙂 my joy and pleasure, same here, so it’s mutual… I don’t hide or “camouflage” myself within the WWW, Mélanie is my real and unique name, what you see is what you get… 🙂 I don’t hold any absolute truth, I’m not trying to impose myself, to give lessons, to prove or to show off anything to anyone – both virtually or/and in real life… 🙂

  90. Bine te-am gasit, Melanie! 🙂

  91. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate it very much. I’ve enjoyed my visit here and look forward to following your posts. 🙂

  92. Hello, again. I see now that your native tongue is not French but Romanian! I am impressed with the nature of your words and ideas… at first glance. I am following your blog because I would like to see/hear more… but admittedly find it harder and harder to “read” daily due to other schedule and interest demands. I love blogging… and reading blogs… and meeting new people from around the world, but in order to allow this to be my passion and not my slave, I have to let it go from time to time and not feel disappointed that I haven’t had time to read all the posts from those in my reader… even from those that I enjoy very much! Or that I haven’t had time to write a bit on my own. So, the main point I am making is that I will follow you and read and respond to the degree that I can, while maintaining the love I feel for the blogging world. I think you can understand that, yes? And, thank you so much for the translations as I would not be able to follow otherwise! Looking forward to… getting to know you! 🙂

    • Hi-Bonjour Madame P and welcome to my crossroads! 🙂

      Thank you for reading my “about” and for your elaborated comment! I do understand and I do agree with everything you’ve mentioned here… we all have priorities and emergencies in real life, so virtual “stuff” will always come afterwards… My very best and have a positive weekend! c u asap & cheers! 🙂

  93. Ha! Ha! Sûrement! Bonne soirée.

  94. Comme disait Mac Arthur, viré des Philippines, “je reviendrai!” A+! Brian (Alias Brieuc)

  95. D’un dilettante à un autre: très bien! 🙂 Brian

  96. Specially for you, Melanie – one of my old little stories. Hope it will give you a few giggles… 🙂

    THAT most empowering ONE

  97. He leído este espacio y me voy a permitir escribirte en español porque según dices también entiendes este idioma. Te felicito por tu trayectoria y procuraré seguir tu blog en lo que pueda. Saludos cordiales.

    • hola Isabel! gracias por venir a mi patio de recreo – una encrucijada de la vida real… me gusta mucho y puedo manejar en español bastante bien, pero tu decides sobre el idioma que desea para comentar, OK. con amistad y hasta proxima! 🙂

  98. Wow! you really are multi-lingual! Great blog!

  99. When we are the history and geography of your own life it means you are self aware. Having known ‘self’ by accepting everything that comes in life we are our own boss – taking our own decisions in life – knowing others to whom you have to know; discarding (if need be) those who do not sync with you in the village of this world affairs. Spend the time you are given by our Lord with grace without any trace of grimaces but full of pleasure and goodwill in our heart. Thanks and regards!

  100. What a lovely intro… pleased to meet you!!!

  101. Bună, Melanie! Mă bucur că am descoperit blogul tău care mi s-a părut interesant. O să-l revizitez cu plăcere. Numai bine, Georgeta

  102. Salut Mélanie! Thanks for spending time over on my blog and liking so many things. Even though you don’t follow anyone, I hope you come back and share more things with me/us. g

  103. Wow, you have been… around… everywhere, a bit like me – I would love to live in France, of course in Biarritz and I wish I bought a little apartment in 1977 when I visited the first time. So happy that I landed here. So looking forward to get to know you a bit more. *smile

  104. A few months back, I heard a commentary on the radio which transformed Warhol’s “15 minutes of fame” into cyber space, “Everyone will be famous to 15 people”. Regarding those phishing “Likes”, I agree, I do not need people promoting their books, exercise routines, health products, or get-rich-quick-internet-schemes by Liking something that has not relation to their blog style. Oscar

    • 🙂 very funny and quite realistic… last November, I had my blog’s name and address changed, ’cause I was simply fed-up with those “fake likers”(traffic hunters!) who didn’t read a word of my posts or even their title(s)! Thanx for taking some spare time to read my “about”, I do appreciate as that’s what I always do first whenever I come across a new blog.

  105. Salut Mélanie… 😉 Mishto blog & jmekeros PR… oops. Merci pour votre cosmique passage sur mon blog. Mirupafshim. O dabọ. Hej då. గుడ్బై. Pa… Bye, mey!

  106. Very happy to have found your blog – and the fact that it is bilingual makes me smile – maybe it will help me improve my very limited French. Thank you for your stop by at my blog… much appreciated. 😉

    • 🙂 Bonjour & welcome, young lady! if you (ever) think I could help you out with your “limited” French, lemme know and keep me posted, please… 🙂 my very best, c u asap & sunny thoughts from Toulouse, France!

      • I will – I will Mel – thank you. I am just going to devour your posts – I think part of me is subconsciously avoiding French because it seems like an almost impossible task but the other part of me says – hey man, you have a brain you can do it! But all the roads are leading to me to press in and keep going and then I see a follow from you and I pooed onto your blog and what do you know… I think it’s a little voice saying… you can do this and you are not alone! 🙂 Chat soon!

        • 🙂 I do trust you and I’m sure you’ll make it, babe… ’cause: à la guerre, comme à la guerre, you have to resist upon and over the barricades-obstacles of daily life! no pasaran, olé! 🙂

  107. Multumesc de vizita Melanie! Din pacate franceza mea e mult prea slaba ca sa te citesc, dar o sa te urmaresc cu placere. Zile faine!

  108. but you know I have a friend in Romania… Her name is Aurelia… travel so much, we have a camper! 😆

  109. A sincere pleasure to meet you.

  110. Merci pour votre passage sur mon blog. Ha! Clear Lake, au cours de mes nombreux voyages professionnels à Houston, j’avais mon sea food favori près du canal. Je vais revenir parcourir votre blog. Amitiés de Provence…

  111. You are so right when you stated you won’t print your CV because who really cares? (aside from serious potential professional collaborators) You are more into the real and gritty stuff – like Oriah Mountain Dreamer in her 1999 deeply moving piece-turned-book, “The Invitation.” http://skdesigns.com/internet/articles/prose/oriah_mountain_dreamer/invitation/

    Keep on being your authentic self. Muchisimas gracias por su visita. You have inspired me to write more about sights and sojourns.

  112. Interesting. I like optimistic people! And you seem to travel a lot. As for that, I wanna travel to Japan and Italy someday!

    • 🙂 mabuhay and thanx for reading my “about”! I’d suggest you go to Japan first, it’s closer than Italy… 😉 my very best and c u asap, cheers! 🙂

      • Ah, so you found out that I’m Filipino! Eh, maybe you wandered enough to confirm it, but whatever, the truth will always be inevitably revealed. I wonder if you’ve been to the Philippines before, though?

        Anyway, Japan is somewhere that I’d like to even live in, too! And I’m interested in its culture, especially its arts! As for Italy, it’s mainly religious reasons, like visiting the Salesian oratory in Turin and the St. Peter’s Basilica (did I get the name of the place right?) in Vatican City!

        Well, I’ll be checking out some of your posts some other time, then! Keep on doing your best and having fun with what you do, too! 🙂

  113. Thank you for enjoying my work, and thank you for sharing your positive energy. The world could use many more positive spaces. Keep dancing with your Beloved.

  114. Very cool! So glad to know you through the about. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and travels! Merci beaucoup.

  115. You have a very nice blog here. Continue the great style. Thanks for your visit and likes at my blog. Irene

  116. You have a most refreshing character, Melanie!

  117. Bună ziua. Mi-a făcut plăcere să poposesc printre paginile blogului dvs.

    • Bonjour Daniel & merci pentru popasu’ amical… ador Japonia si tarile scandinave, cu o feblete pentru Norvegia si-o imensa iubire pentru unica Islanda! 🙂 salutari toulousene, sanatate si-o seara placuta! Pe curând! 🙂

  118. I appreciate your visit to my blog and for putting your own on my radar screen! Lovely posts. I will stop by and refresh myself at your place now that I know where it is! Namaste.

  119. I am very pleased by your extended visit to my Blog. As a resident of France I can see that my Boeuf experiment might be of interest. I am now following your Blog, so I can browse at my leisure. Mine is also an award free Blog, but the reasons are mainly that I’m not much good at all the link stuff, and for the life of me I couldn’t come up with a list of my seven favourite breakfast cereals and that kind of thing.

    • Bonjour and welcome, Peter! I love ducks, they’re very popular all over our region Midi-Pyrénées – but mostly in our plates… 🙂 Thanx for stopping by, have a serene day and c u asap! 🙂

  120. Wonderful and inspiring introduction, Melanie! In fact I’m following you now!😃 Also your cat is sooooo cute!❤️ As you know, I’m a big fan of cats! Those mysterious, cuuuuuuteeee creatures! Thank you for stopping by my blog, too!😃

    • 🙂 konnichiwa/konbanwa, welcome and thanx for dropping by, young lady! 🙂 I do agree with you: cats rule and rock our world! 🙂 P.S. I already have some violets in my backyard…

      • Konbanwa! Ah, you know Japanese!😃 (but I’m not Japanese!😁) Waooo, how nice you have that cute flowers in your backyard ❤️ I love violets and have them on my balcony too, but here it is still cold and I’m looking forward for spring!😃❤️

        • 🙂 I’ve been to Nihon-Japan 4 times and I love this country, but my Japanese is quite limited, one of my family members speaks & writes both Japanese and mandarin Chinese… I could live in Kyoto or Yakushima island! 🙂 Your nickname sounds Russian or Polish… do you live in Hokkaido? 🙂

  121. what brought you to Texas? I am glad you escaped back to France much more agreeable climate as for culture and food Houston has changed and you can find good food all over the place…

    • 🙂 Hi Clay and welcome! Houston, TX for 5 years because NASA is there – as simple as that… 🙂 I returned to Houston 18 months ago for a few days and yep, food was fine… 🙂

  122. je ne peux que m’abonner à ce joli blog!!!

  123. Merci d’avoir visité mon blog!

  124. Imi faceam griji cum sa-ti raspund, inteleg si engleza si franceza dar cu dialogul si scrisul in ambele limbi, nu stau prea bine. Vroiam neaparat sa iti multumesc pentru vizita si like-uri. Esti o persoana deosebita si ma bucur sa te cunosc!

    • 🙂 Bonjour Monique si bine-ai aterizat la “intersectii-loc de joaca”! Multumesc pentru “halta”-ti amicala si te rog sa nu-ti faci probleme lingvistice, O.K. Daca ai citit aici, vei fi înteles de ce blogu’ meu e franco-englez… salutari toulousene însorite, bafta si spor în tot ce-ti propui… pe curând! 🙂

  125. It is a pleasure getting to know you, if just a little bit.

  126. A cat-loving person is by default a good person!… As such, I’m glad to get to know you Melanie!

  127. Wonderful and inspiring intro. My liking of your top 12 French foods post was semi-automatic–when I see such delectable photos, I am inclined to “like”! I look forward to exploring your multi-national blog. Thanks again for stopping in at my place.

  128. thank you my friend for sharing the article and friendly greetings! 🙂 Sincerely, Gede Prama

  129. Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog. I like the post which I read. 🙂 I think you have a really interesting blog and really interesting perspectives. In general, when I post for the first time in any blog, I try to mention as many common things as possible but here I hardly found any. Since you said that you welcome honest feedback, I would say I liked your perspective but as a person I’m very different.

    As you would have seen from my blog, I love life with all its problems and troubles, I enjoy every bit of it. If I have less time I make sure I visit all the blogs I follow and like them. I don’t like to complain neither I like giving excuses. I like celebrations and awards. I totally respect a different perspective and thanks for the likes. Wishing you a great year ahead. 🙂 Stay blessed. 🙂

    • 🙂 Thanx for dropping by and for your elaborated comment! My very best and good luck in all your endeavours! Last but not least: real life will always rule and rock… vive la différence! 🙂

  130. We need lots more freelance human beings like you in the world. Peace.

  131. I enjoyed your words, open and above board!

  132. Salut Melanie, bonne année, merci pour tes visites et les généreux “likes”… “Award-free blog” is a succinct and friendly way to make the point; I made the same point in rather more words!

  133. Hey,
    Glad to visit your Blog Melanie. Hope to have a good connection with you. Tc

  134. … frumos blog… îţi doresc sărbători fericite!

  135. Congratulations, Mélanie! I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. More about this nomination is at:

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award, thanks sedge808!

  136. It’s always a pleasure finding a French here! 🙂 I lived in France for three years and I love the country and its people. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my posts. I will go through your playground here from now on… 🙂

  137. I had to look it up. I didn’t know. Je ne parle pas français. That “about” page: http://fredonnezmoi.wordpress.com/about/#comment-568 is now closed. I could not reply to your comment. So here I am. 🙂

  138. Hi Melanie, thanks for dropping by. Will be in your playground every now and then! 😀

  139. Among other few things, I regret that I am having internet connection problems at the moment and I cannot open more of your posts… dommage!!! later then… Vera

  140. "A Curious Mind"

    “Got a little something for you Melanie”.. . 😉

  141. Oh, you are from Romania, but have traveled a lot with your husband… love the new blog! saluditos y besitos!

  142. I like very much you stress-free crossroads 🙂 It’s an intelligent approach! As you, my spare time is limited (last few days I was enjoying a short vacation), that was this answer took too long. Re Warhol, today’s freaks (like me) have made use of, or invented, units of measurement intended primarily for their humor value. The Warhol (one of my favorites) is a unit of hype, derived from Andy Warhol’s dictum “everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes”. It represents, naturally, fifteen minutes of fame. Some multiples are:
    1 kilowarhol — famous for 15,000 minutes, or 10.42 days. A sort of metric ten-day wonder.
    1 megawarhol — famous for 15 million minutes, or 28.5 years.
    In any case I blog for myself. I have fun! And I am surprised that most of my post are so popular I’m happy with that, but it is not my ultimate intention… 🙂 Thanks

    • Buenos dias de Tolosa, Francia! 🙂 you’ve made my day much funnier, muchas gracias! 🙂 we have Andy Warhol in common, so you’re very welcome at my crossroads… 🙂 hasta luego, Senor-D! 🙂

  143. Delightful approach to blogging! Kudos to you and I appreciate your visit even more now that I read your about. I followed and will read when I have time… no likes, I like. No awards, I like…. and I have visited France only once to study at the Abbey.

  144. Salut Mélanie… j’ai revérifié et en effet je n’avais pas changé l’adresse de ton blog dans mes abonnements, mais seulement sur ma page ”Blogs Extras”… donc, ça devrait aller à partir de maintenant. Dis, je ne te trouve plus parmi mes abonné/e/s non plus… dis donc, on se mélange toutes les deux! Lol! Merci pour tout, j’espère que ça t’ennuie pas que je te réponde ici… bonne soirée (déjà pour toi!).

  145. Salut ma belle… bizarre, peut-être peux-tu me dire en privé? J’attendrai… bof, pas la mer à boire… seulement que je ne reçois plus tes articles sur ma page d’accueil de lecture avec mes autres abonnements… peut-être pourras-tu m’expliquer… bonne fin de journée, bisous.

  146. Draga Melanie, postarile dvs. nu mi-au mai aparut pe reader si am crezut ca v-ati luat o pauza! Imi pare bine ca v-am regasit! cu drag, Gabriela

    • Gabriela draga, cum ma saturasem de “vânatorii de circulatie”(traffic hunters, LOL!), am schimbat adresa si numele blogului acum 3 saptamâni, iar cei/cele care ma citeau periodic, m-au regasit usor, caci WP directioneaza automat spre noua adresa… 🙂 Bine-ai revenit si multumesc pentru popasu’-ti amical! O seara placuta si cu drag back… 🙂

  147. Hi Melanie… so nice of you to stop by Sammy’s blog and say hello… we’ve just done a bit of a “tour” here and find that you’re interested in SO many things – your blog is truly a crossroads of thoughts and feelings. We’ll be following you from now on and hope you enjoy checking in on Sammy’s crazy days once in a while too! Pam (and Sam)

    • Bonjour-Hi guys! 🙂 thanx for stopping over and for your kind comment! I’ll surely drop by your place as often as possible, too… Lucky-Loulou is a spoiled tomcat, saved from the streets of Valencia, Spain where he was abandoned at about 4 months-old, poor thing, he’s just been 6 years-old and he’s doin’ fine! 🙂 Have a purrrfect day! 🙂

  148. Saru’mina! Multumesc pentru vizita! Ma bucur ca exista aici si posibilitatea de a comunica in limba romana. Imi este mai la indemina. In franceza inteleg ce citesc, dar imi este mai greu sa ma exprim, iar in engleza inteleg in diagonala si nu scriu de loc. O saptamina placuta!

    • Buna-dimineata si bine-ati aterizat la… Toulouse – Airbus City, capitala europeana a aviatiei si-a spatiului! 🙂 Multumesc pentru vizita si va rog sa folositi limba româna… sanatate, o zi placuta, lejera si spornica! o saptamâna senina, afar’ si-n suflet… 🙂 Mélanie NB

  149. Hello Mélanie! 🙂 Avec votre accord, je souhaiterais vous envoyer un message en privé. Est-il possible de le faire? et comment, svp? Je ne trouve pas de document adéquat sur votre blog? Merci. Pierre de Radio Satellite.

  150. Ben! Je me demandais!!! Et me demande toujours – parce que ça faisait un bout de temps que tu “semblais” ne plus publier, comment ça se fait que je ne te vois pas dans le “reader” de WP??? 😯

    • Hi Coco et merci pour ta visite!

      c’est simple comme “bonjour!” 🙂 j’ai changé l’adresse du blog il y a environ 2 semaines et qui m’aimait avant, a continué à me suivre, le reste des “chasseurs de circulation”(traffic hunters, LOL!) se sont évaporés dans l’immense espace virtuel… long story, short: mon dernier post sous l’ancienne adresse sur Dali Museum a ramassé 84 “likes”:
      et oh, surprise(mais pas pour moi!): juste après, le nombre des “likers” a vachement diminué, donc QED… 🙂

      • Ben j’ai vérifié et j’ai pô remarqué le changement d’adresse… Pire ! Quand je vais sur la nouvelle adresse ça me dit que je suis abonné!!! 😕 Y a quelque chose que j’ai pas pigé. C’est en voyant que tu incluais ton adresse dans tes comms que j’ai eu comme un “questionnement”. Excuses-moi! J’suis pas pas une 100 watts… 😦

        • it’s O.K. mon Coco, tu n’as pas à t’excuser, stp! franchement, je suis incapable de t’éclairer sur les mystères du WP, qui a des moods now and then, donc aucune idée, désolée… amitiés toulousaines et à+! 🙂

      • Bon ben finalement je me suis désabonné et réabonné. On verra bien ! 😉

  151. Bonjour

    La semaine vas bientôt se terminer
    En plus sous un temps maussade
    Je viens t’offrir un panier de roses

    Avec tout mon coeur pour
    Voir un sourire sur ton visage
    D’une pluie de tendresse
    Je te souhaite un bon Après midi
    Une très bonne journée dans la joie
    Avec une envolée de douceur pour toi
    Un panier rempli de bisous


  152. Wonderful again my friend… never stop seducing us with all your sincere and magic sharings! Gros bisous.

  153. Merci Mélanie, j’aime toujours venir visiter tes articles, ils sont distrayants et très instructifs, merci de tes partages qui rendent ma vie plus belle, gros bisous mon amie 🙂

  154. Buna seara Melania. Bonsoir Melanie. Good evening, Melanie. I am glad that i discovered your playground. I am also Romanian, but i live in France. Good to meet you here.

  155. Thanks for stopping by my page and for the ‘like’, I like your page and your posts a lot! 🙂

  156. Thank you for popping in to see me (at http://ja2da.com) – I think I liked your jokes page best – I’m not really the mushy romantic type so it’s probably a good job some of this stuff is in French and Romanian! David

  157. Încântat(ă) de cunoştinţă!

  158. Hello Mélanie! You have a great writing and nice playground here… Keep it up! What does ‘Bonjour’ mean? Thanks, Cyril

  159. Well said, Melanie. Building a network of fellow writers is great. But I also believe that if people are genuinely looking to build a network they will leave a comment most of the time. In fact, I get frustrated when I don’t have time to say more than “great photo.” So if I ever ‘like’ one of your posts without leaving a comment, please understand that it’s because of time constraints. 🙂

    • Bonjour & welcome, Michael! 🙂 Thanx a bunch of your favourite flowers for your kind, realistic and friendly comment! 🙂 I do appreciate direct and frank people! @ your last sentence: same here, young man! 🙂 Merci encore & c u asap… 🙂

  160. “Je t’aime, je te suis!”. Mi s-a părut foarte interesant şi vesel acest teren de joacă, am dat câteva Like-uri fără să fi citit mai întâi că nu-ţi place doar Like fără comentariu! Voi reveni şi altădată cu plăcere! O zi bună, Melanie!

    • Bine-ai venit, Erika si merci pentru vizita! 🙂 à propos de bifat “like”, am precizat exprès:”NO fake or automatical “likes”, PLEASE! 🙂 – nimic nu-i obligatoriu în virtual, deci nici “laicurile”, nici comentariile… nu click-ez niciodata pe “like” far’ sa citesc postu’ respectiv! Sper ca m-ai înteles… 🙂 Sanatate si-o zi însorita, ca aici! 🙂

  161. ahham madame 😉 nice to talk to you again… lost the way that brought me there… if u understand…

  162. Thank you for visiting me. I’m having a good look around and getting to know you.

  163. Thank you for signing up to follow my blog! I hope that you enjoy my posts! Regarding re-blogging my posts, it is my feeling that you should write your own posts, and I would prefer that you do not re-blog my posts. There are so many blogs out there where they are just about re-blogging and over 3 years I see very little traffic coming my way from those posts. Be creative and put your souls into your own posts! If you need advice, I would be more than happy to help. Thanks again for signing up to follow me! – B

    • Hi babso2you! I did enjoy your posts and I do write my own ones… 🙂 Thanx for stopping by, my very best, tons of inspiration and good luck in all your endeavours! Have a great day! 🙂

  164. Je t’ai nommée pour les Liebster Awards. 😛

  165. Bonjour, mes amis! Thank you for liking so many of my posts on BigBodyBeautiful! I like your blog very much, too. And, to prove it, I now follow you. Keep up the good work here and keep giving us your fun spirit! 🙂

    • Bonjour and welcome, Lizzy! 🙂 Thanx a bunch of your favourite orchids and have a great Friday! My very best and see you soon – on the Moon! 🙂 – as I lived next to NASA Houston for 5 years… 🙂

      • Oui, dans la lune, mon ami! Toujours! I love that you lived in Houston next to NASA. I have a friend who works for Jet Propulsion Laboratory and she tells me cool stories about all the NASA events she attends. Well, I’m so glad to be reading your blog and following you now. You sure are alot of fun. 🙂 Bonsoir!

        • Bonjour & mille merci, chère Lizzy! ton français est excellent et ta visite me fait plaisir… 🙂 My beloved hubby is a rocket & satellite scientist, he does know people from the JPL… 🙂 My very best and friendly hugs from Toulouse(not to lose! LOL!) – la ville rose-brique, the European capital of space & aviation… come and fly with us, babe! 🙂

  166. Thanks so much for “liking” my blogs. I’m looking for the way to follow you.

  167. Bonjour from the French Riviera! Enjoying your blog and wishing you all the best.

  168. WONDERFUL place you have here. Thank you for the LIKE. 😀

  169. an absolutely wonderful blog and I am already loving it! 😉

  170. Melanie, this is the most refreshing About I’ve come across, so refreshing, in fact, that I am now following. And, I don’t even think it’s Mork that hooked me (though it didn’t hurt.) I’m a Philly native, but have traveled a bit. My wife and I spent some time in France a couple of years ago, and we plan to return next year. I plan to end our trip hiking Camino de Santiago. I look forward to reading what you (and Mr. Dragon) are up to.

    • Hi, welcome and thanx, Jim! Everything happens for a reason, right?!… 🙂 I know and I love Philly(I’m hummin’ Bruce’s song!), like all the East Coast… 🙂 Excellent idea to return here next year: Toulouse, the European capital of space and aviation is at 1h-flight from Paris and/or Madrid… 🙂 My neighbors did hike to Santiago de Compostelle, an awesome experience, of course… Have a great day, my very best & c u soon, on the Moon! 🙂
      – – –
      P.S. Mr Dragon is quite busy elsewhere, so I’m home alone… 🙂

  171. Thanks for visiting and stopping by my blog! 🙂 It really means a lot! 🙂 Have a blessed day ahead! 🙂 Ankush

  172. Mai Balaurilor! 🙂 Da internationali mai sunteti mai frate… – eu care credeam ca blogul vostru e inventat de o saga islandeza care se crede frantzuza. Cuiva dintre voi sa pare ca i-au placut citeva din postarile mele asa ca here I am, sa va salut. Da’ ce loc inedit aveti aicea… 🙂 Truly inspiring… Ma inclin… si poate, pe curind. Julien

    • Bonjour, merci & welcome, Julien! 🙂 Balauru’-i doar unu’, ca si Mélanie=moi… 🙂 Cuiva=moi-bis… 🙂 à propos de “saga islandeza”, luna-trecuta am vizitat splendidele fiorduri vestice, daca ai timp si interes, vei gasi poze p-acilea… 🙂
      – – –
      Salutari toulousene însorite, sanatate si gânduri amicale! O zi placuta si-un weekend formidabil, Mélanie NB

  173. Hi, you’ve got a great vibe here 🙂

    I think reblogging is a compliment & it’s fine, though I think it’s essential to leave a note saying you’ve reblogged it. That’s sort of a nod to you, saying “This is worth sharing, I’ve shared it.”

    At first I thought it was a loss of creative control, but not at all. Now I understand it’s just another share button, and since I don’t have twitter or facebook, what’s the diff?

    Great site!

    • Welcome and thank you, young lady! 🙂 I totally agree with you and with MM… Just like you, I do NOT have FB or/and twitter, do we really exist?!… 🙂

      Sunny thoughts from Toulouse, France, my very best and have a peaceful week!
      – – –
      P.S. Last night I watched a wonderful French-Aussie movie directed by Anne Fontaine and shot in wonderful Australia:”Perfect mothers” with 2 amazing & talented actresses – Robin Wright & Naomi Watts… and this morning, I’ve found your comment(s)… 🙂

  174. Re-blogging? The worst re-blogging is when a site simply posts an unbelievable number of re-blogs on a day, almost each and every day. It just fills up the Reader mostly with sub-standard work. One simply has to “unfollow”.

    Of course a good re-blogger is excellent but for this to work they need to limit the daily number of posts, be selective and have similar tastes to one’s own. It can also highlight other blogs that a reader might not normally consider, thus expanding the reading and mindset.

    Someone re-blogging their own posts or an occasional re-blog – no problem.

    That is kind of a big way of me saying thanks so much for the follow. MM 🍀

  175. I look forward to following you here. —–Chagall

  176. Too funny picture of “Mork”. I like your gravatar. Is that you on the slide?

  177. I like the idea of reblogging. I have found many blogs that I would not have found otherwise through reblogging. People are welcome to reblog from Source of Inspiration as much as they wish. Thanks for your visit and leaving a link. It made me come here to discover your beautiful blog. hugs, pat

  178. ciao! luv FAB blog. thebestdressup

  179. Janet Rörschåch

    Mélanie! I love this idea. Maybe one day you’ll let me play. I love to play.

  180. Thank you for visiting my blog, following it liking my post and leaving a lovely comment. I look forward to reading your beautiful posts. Take care and have a lovely day Melanie.

  181. A must visit playground. So much adventure and things to discover. Thanks for sharing your world.

  182. Merci de ta visite Mélanie! This Blog is very interesting, I’M gonna take a much serious look of it right now! Gracias…et à bientôt!

  183. You have a very unique place here, I have never seen a multilingual or multicultural blog before all wrapped up together. In response to your question above,I don’t have a problem with re blogs unless it is one person doing 5 or 6 a day. If you plan on doing them from your other writers you mentioned that is very different and I wouldn’t have a problem with that at all. I will follow you blog and see where you and your co authors take me and look forward to it !

  184. Thank you for stopping by, thank you for following. I will enjoy following your blog as well. AJM

  185. What an interesting place! I’m starting following you right now! Thanks, Melanie, for visiting my blog and let me your ‘likes’ and comments. Best regards!

  186. Perfect, cu limba.
    Îmi convine, eu având un mare handicap,la capitolul limbi straine.
    Acu, ca sa va tachinez ,aşa, amiabil:
    nu se mai spune USA?
    Melanie, să preia sensul franţuzesc al cuvântului tachinez
    Cât priveşte reblogarea, pentru mine, nu poate fi decât un prilej de apreciere şi recunoaştere spirituală implicită.
    Problema este , câţi realizează tâlcul celor rebloggate?
    Cu alte cuvinte,
    “câţi au acuitatea spirituală a unui balaur?”
    Pentrucă, dacă bine am sesizat, voi intenţionaţi, ideatic, cel puţin,lansarea unui esperantoblog.
    Sau, aberez?
    Melaniei, mulţumiri, că m-a îndrumat către voi!
    O Napte cu Pace, cum îi place prietenei mele virtuale, Madi.
    Pentru mai bună cunoaştere, nu îmi plac răspunsurile întârziate! 🙂

    • Bonsoir Mr Onu(United Nations Organnization?) Le Solitaire! 🙂
      Multumesc pentru “halta” dvs amicala, deci: cu placere si cu pretuire…

      aha, O.K.:”qui aime bien, taquine bien…”(si vice-versa!) 🙂

      Se spune USA, bineînteles, dar când vrei sa accentuezi USofA e de rigoare si de circumstanta… 🙂 Precizez ca engleza mi-a fost a-2-a limba la 9 ani si franceza a-3-a la 14 ani…

      Nici vorba de blog “esperanto”, ci franco-româno-englez… Balauru’ va va raspunde asap, O.K.

      Si dvs si Madi sa aveti o noapte senina=a peaceful night… 🙂 Pe curând!

      • Melanie, Am încercat un răspun relativ mai laborios,dar mi-a dispărut. Este totul în ordine! Nu mai reiau, să nu-mi facă iar vreo figură.Mulţumesc mult, şi am înţeles că voi mai fi onorat, cu încă un răspuns? O săptămână excelentă! 🙂


        • Bonjour Onu! Désolée, se mai întâmpla în cazu’ comentariilor “laborioase”(lungi!), o sugestie: copy&paste… 🙂 Multumesc pentru urare, gânduri amicale si numa’ bine! 🙂

  187. Thank you for stopping, visiting, and liking a recent post. I look forward to following your multilingual and multicultural blog.

    Merci et bonne chance.


  188. Shalom! Very glad to faire votre connaisance.

  189. Momentan rebloggingul e ok. Daca vei mai avea ce… Asa imi pare. Presimt ca in curand va fi doar pentru mine.. si atunci am sa inchid totul. 🙂
    Momentan sunt pentru sharing.
    Wish You good luck!

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