
“The tyranny now engulfing Ukraine makes this a right moment for a poetic essay that my father published in the spring of 1966, when we weren’t even half-way through the original ‘Cold War’. Now that we’ve entered a second one, the essay is as timely as it was 56 years ago.” – Steven Schwartzman

Portraits of Wildflowers

In 1912 my father, Jack (Jacob) Schwartzman, was born in Vinnytsia, a town then under Russian control in the part of eastern Europe that is now Ukraine. In the 1920s his family escaped from the tyranny of the Soviet Union and came to America to be free. Upon his arrival here he spoke Russian but not a word of English. He learned quickly and soon became a craftsman of his new language.

The tyranny now engulfing Ukraine makes this a right moment for a poetic essay that my father published in the spring of 1966, when we weren’t even half-way through the original Cold War. Now that we’ve entered a second one, the essay is as timely as it was 56 years ago. Feel free to repost this in a spirit of solidarity.

Solomon and Anna Schwartzman in eastern Europe in 1923
with their younger son Isidore and older…

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About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 14 March 2022, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Hello Melanie, thank you so much for your great appreciation of my blogs, I am extremely grateful that you liked so many of them ♥️ I look forward to following and reading yours too. I also speak and understand French but I cannot write it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and all my gratitude to you for so many likes 💞😃

  2. Thank you Melanie for sharing such an eloquently written essay. It is terrible that history is repeating itself for so many millions of people.

  3. Wonderful post ~ every time I hear or see Lilacs I am reminded of this post! 🙂

  4. Un grand texte, Mélanie. Je suis juste épouvanté, et enragé que tout recommence… P.S. Et tout ça un siècle plus tard. Grrrr! Prends bien soin de toi!

  5. Merci de partager ce texte impressionnant, Mélanie!

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