Monthly Archives: December 2019

glorious end of December…

and best wishes to you all! N.B. our most precious gifts are not material “stuff”, but good health, family and genuine friends – ’cause “a person without an ‘anam cara’(soul-mate) is like a body without a head.”(Irish saying)

after 3 days in San Francisco to visit with close family, we spend one week in Arizona – Native American land, and Sedona is an absolute must-visit… ❤

bonus: the 10 Commandments of the Native Americans I’ve adopted for decades… ❤

  1. The Earth is our Mother, care for Her.
  2. Honor all your relations with your fellows.
  3. Open your heart and soul to the Universal Spirit.
  4. All life is sacred, treat all beings with respect and tolerance.
  5. Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
  6. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
  7. Speak the truth but only for the good in others.
  8. Follow the rhythm of Nature: rise and retire with the sun.
  9. Take full responsibility for your actions.
  10. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks; look after the well-being of Mind and Body!

Joyeuses fêtes! Merry Holidays!:-)

le temps ne se fige jamais, il s’arrête qqs instants dans le tourbillon de l’éternité, d’où il glisse vers un sablier d’étoiles – juste avant le solstice d’hiver; partageons le miracle et la magie éphémère de nos vies sur le sentier du PRÉSENT! 1000 MERCI à tous et mes vœux de santé, douceur, harmonie, joie, gratitude, sérénité et… de l’AMOUR! 💖ღ Je vous souhaite une excellente année 2020!🙂

time never freezes, it stops over the vortex of eternity for a few moments, and then, it slides into a sandglass of stars – just before the winter solstice; let’s share the miracle and the ephemeral magic of our lives along the pathway of the PRESENT! THANX to you all and my best wishes of health, harmony, joy, gratitude, serenity, and… LOVE! 💖ღ Have a glorious 2020, take the best and rock the rest, guys!🙂