Monthly Archives: April 2015

FFF = formidable flower festival…:-)

mai frappe à nos portes… pendant que le vent caressent les fleurs, leurs pétales touchent les nuages… je les regarde avec émotion, je cherche une frontière imaginaire entre le rêve et la réalité… mes pensées sont limpides et mon cœur se perd dans la sérénité immaculée de l’azur… joie, amour, amitié n’ont pas d’âge, et même intenses, ils sont souvent silencieux… si nous voulons y “goûter”, nous devrons les offrir, les partager avec nos proches, en les encourageant à les “cultiver” et à arracher les inévitables mauvaises herbes.. nous réalisons régulièrement que le moindre bonheur ressemble à un rayon de soleil, au-dessus et au-delà de la tristesse ou de la peine – comme une magnifique rose en dépit de ses épines, autrement, elle ne serait pas “elle-même”…

ces 3 trésors humains sont censés être recueillis avec grand plaisir, comme une “récolte” vitale… essayons de toucher le ciel avec des rêves d’éternité puisque les portes du paradis sont déjà ouvertes… notre seule alternative pour l’atteindre et survivre est l’AMOUR: regardez la paume de votre main et vous reverrez sa ligne sans fin… notre esprit demeure entier et s’enrichit de nouvelles expériences, car chaque journée comporte au moins 1h de paix… restons optimistes devant les barricades de la vie, sans illusions ou naïveté, malgré les nuages, les erreurs et les échecs temporaires, nous les franchirons paisiblement avec nos semelles de vent – comme Arthur Rimbaud… bonus: qqs brins de muguet pour mes fidèles lecteurs… ❤

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May is knockin’ @ our door(s)… while the wind cuddles the flowers, their petals touch the clouds… I watch them with emotion, I look for an imaginary border between dream and reality… my thoughts are crystal-clear and my heart gets lost in the serenity of the pristine blue sky… joy, love, friendship are ageless, and even very powerful, they are often still… if we really want “to taste” them, we’ll have to offer them, to share them with our close ones, urging them to grow them and to snatch up some unavoidable “weeds”… we constantly realize that even the tiniest happiness looks like a sunbeam, above and beyond sadness or pain – like a wonderful rose despite its thorns, otherwise, it wouldn’t be “itself”…

these 3 human treasures should be picked-up with true pleasure, just like an essential “harvest”… let’s attempt to touch the sky with dreams of eternity since the heaven’s gate is already open… our only option to reach it and to survive is LOVE: take another look at the palm of your hand and you’ll notice its endless line… we can fill up and enrich our spirit with new experiences, for each day offers us at least 1h of quietness… let’s stay optimistic in front of life’s barricades, with no illusions or naivety, in spite of temporary mistakes or failures, we’ll peacefully get over them with our wind soles – like Arthur Rimbaud… bonus: a few stems of lily of the valley for my faithful readers… ❤  

Joan & Bob – ”Diamonds and rust…”

motto:“I once loved you dearly…
And if you’re offering me diamonds and rust
Well, I’ve already paid…”(Joan Baez)

Joan Baez composed ‘Diamonds and Rust’ about 40 years ago, and her song was ‘addressed’ to Bob Dylan – THE love of her life, and it’s always stayed in her repertory. Decades later, she continues to sing it without bitterness, with no regret: it’s a noble melody – serene, realistic, sad, relentless. Joan sings the solitude of the woman who’s recently split with her lover, but she’s kept deep fondness for the man who shared her life for awhile. One night of full moon, her phone rings, she answers and she recognizes the voice of the one she passionately loved, with whom she lived the most beautiful season of her life. He wants to see her again, but her “mad” passion is far behind her, light years away. Nevertheless, his unexpected phone call brings back memories of a forgotten time, vanished into a no-return past. The quiet, reserved, discreet, classy lady agrees to meet her restless ex-boyfriend whom she used to dearly love, in spite of all their differences. He’s already become an icon, a living legend, yet the same free-minded and kinky “provocateur”, venerated by the crowds. She recalls their love story, he’s on stage, at the height of his glory, and afterwards, in a whirlwind of dead leaves with snow in his hair…
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pix of the legendary ex-couple from…

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He stands in front of a hotel window, he seems to be ‘lost’ and disoriented
without her, yet his smile hasn’t changed. His ‘harsh’ statements about her ‘weak’ poems come back to her mind, and she asks him to find appropriate words that could express her love. She really wants to heal, as her open wound has triggered much pain after their separation. For the English native speakers, the lyrics of this song are quite simple, oscillating between the past and the present, Joan’s tune and her voice are a perfect vector that conveys deep emotions and true feelings. In fact, it’s a timeless text whose main idea would be: some pleasant memories are as precious as a diamond, but they sometimes show up with sadness(rust). Joan’s song is overwhelming with bitter-sweet nostalgia, dreams and disappointments, it does touch our hearts that shed a tear, just like the famous version of:”plaisir d’amour dure un moment, chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie – pleasure of love lasts only a moment, grief of love lasts a lifetime…” In 2007, Miss Baez replaced a few words:’if you’re offering me diamonds and rust, I’ll only keep your diamonds…’ 🙂
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N.B. WHY has Joan chosen ‘diamonds’? –  because a diamond is the ultimate gemstone and the hardest substance found in nature, having low weakness, high strength, a broad color range, high refraction and high dispersion of fire – thus, positive qualities… 🙂