Monthly Archives: May 2021

“Life is a succession of moments, a series of ‘nows’; enjoying each one is to live.”(Japanese wisdom)

“La vie est une succession d’instants, une série de ‘maintenants’; profiter de chacun, c’est vivre.”(sagesse japonaise)

“Personne n’est normal de nos jours, chacun est un peu dingue ou mal quilibré; l’esprit des gens tourne sans cesse. Leurs perceptions du monde sont partielles, incomplètes – dévorées par leurs egos; ils croient comprendre, mais ils se trompent. Tout ce qu’ils font, c’est projetter leur folie et leur propre univers sur le monde, alors qu’il n’y a ni clarté, ni sagesse là-dedans!”(Taisen Deshimaru)

Taisen Deshimaru’s statue by José Torres @ Le Jardin Japonais, Toulouse

“Nobody today is normal, everybody is a little bit crazy or unbalanced; people’s minds are running all the time. Their perceptions of the world are partial, incomplete – eaten up by their egos; they think they figure out, but they are mistaken. All they do is project their madness, and their own universe upon the world, whereas there is no clarity, no wisdom in that!”(Taisen Deshimaru – Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher)

Have a fine weekend, guys! Take care, stay healthy and enjoy each moment of your life!

“We don’t know what lies ahead…”

“We don’t know what lies ahead, where we’re going, and none of us knows where the road of life will lead, but it’s the most exciting journey of them all.”(Corrie ten Boom – Dutch survivor of the Ravensbrück concentration camp & writer)

agréable journée @ lac de Saint-Ferréol & its artificial (cold!) “geyser”…

“Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we already have – on every level.”(Carol Louisa Gawain aka Shakti Gawain, American author)

Have a sunny weekend, take some inner rest to yourselves, be mindful and completely focused on the present moment; daily reminder: light will always prevail over darkness, so please stay healthy and safe, guys!