“Happiness is a skill…”

Yesterday during our 11km-stroll, from Cole Valley to SF Marina and Golden Gate, via Presidio District, we stopped over (again!) @ Yoda Fountain, and recalled his wise words in one of the “Star Wars” episode:“Harmony, we seek. Reality, we accept. The future, we behold. Feel the Force, and go beyond.” Wish you all a better, merrier and fully SAFE 2022!

N.B. @“Happy Holidays!” – since early December, these 2 words have been visible and heard almost everywhere, BUT how can we spend happy holidays IF we are NOT happy?!… btw, “Happiness is a skill, and skills must be learned; we don’t find a happy life, we make it!.”(Matthieu Ricard – French scientist & Buddhist monk) Long story, short: Happy New Year, guys!

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 29 December 2021, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Bonne Année du Tigre Mélanie. San Francisco s’est bien passé?(I love that city)🙏🏻🤗

    • Hey dude! whaz up?… thanx for dropping by! on a passé un super mois à SF avec nos loved ones, et là, on vient de rentrer de la Palma de las Canarias, olé! 🙂 Si tu as envie et le temps, tu me retrouves à ma page-Facebook…

      • Tes loved ones sont des parents à toi ou tes enfants? Il me semble qu’on en avait déjà parlé. Les Canaries, jamais été. Très joli, je crois. FB, j’essayerai, mais ça fait des mois que ne n’y met pas les pieds… Chuis un peu débordé… Biz. A+!

  2. Looks like you enjoyed your holidays very much ~ and what a perfect area for a stroll, it seems you have mastered the happiness skill and much more ~ go beyond 🙂 Take care, Mélanie, and enjoy the year ahead.

  3. Să aveti un 2022 cu sanatate, împliniri şi plin de drag!

  4. Happiness is also a choice, and I do choose it and wish it to you and yours Melanie. May 2022 bring much joy.
    Leslie xoxo

  5. Working on the happiness skill daily.

  6. The photos are great. A reflection that you enjoy the walk. The phrase contains a whole wish for this new year. I also wish you the best of the best. A big hug.

  7. What a great stroll. Yoda is wise indeed. Keep safe and keep on making life happy.

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