Parc national de la Vanoise, Savoie, France – the Beautiful…:-)

Mr Ed, ses beaux “dadas” et “ses” mignonnes marmottes alpines – le week-end dernier… 🙂

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Mr Ed, “his” handsome horses and “his” cute alpine marmots – last weekend… 🙂 more here:

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 25 June 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 60 Comments.

  1. Beautiful!

    “and no one can talk to a horse of course, that is of course, unless the horse, is the famous Mister Ed!”

  2. Mélanie, merci beaucoup! 🙂 Wowww, magnifiques photos! Un jour, j’ai l’intention de visiter cette merveille! Super! Je te souhaite une belle journée et merci encore pour ta gentillesse, à bientôt ~ hugs! 🙂 Jussara

  3. Fantastic scenery Melanie, does look a lot like how I imagine the Swiss alps or Pyrenees. Ian

  4. Wonderful scenery… and I love Horses… xoxo

  5. Oh wow, les Alpes franco-suisse, vraiment magnifique Mélanie, merci de nous partager un si beau spectacle! Gros bisous mon amie, à bientôt, Gigi 🙂

  6. Drăgălașă marmota, dar și căluții ăia arată așa de bine pe pajiștea verde. Să ai zile frumoase, Melania! ❤

  7. Beautiful place, beautiful photos dear Melanie! ❤ A perfect place for mind – soul refreshment…❤️

  8. Gorgeous nature and scenery! ❤ Greg 🙂

  9. This place is so beautiful. The views are spectacular.

  10. Nice scenery! Love the photo of the critter peeking between the rocks. 🙂

  11. Jolie série montagnarde, j’adore. Bonne soirée, Mélanie.

  12. Schöne Bergwanderung.

  13. Les Alpes sont merveilleuses pour moi, à la fois en été et en hiver. Le témoin vos belles images, parmi lesquelles celle de la marmotte.

  14. Que de beauté, oui, en effet Mélanie! Agréable poursuite de ce mercredi!

  15. I see glorious Alps via your lens!

  16. Ah, voilà un paysage que je connais! Je me sens moins seule!

  17. So beautiful… and have a wonderful visit when you go. Rick has seen the Alps before and was saying how magnificent they were so we are looking forward to returning so that I can see them as well.

  18. Bonjour Mélanie! quelle joie de te lire accompagnée de splendides photos, merci pour ton fabuleux partage! Bonne journée, amitié, bisous…

  19. yeseventhistoowillpass

    Is it true that all the glaciers in the Alps have melted?

    • nope, not at all! another urban legend or a hoax, I presume… 🙂 btw, people did ski up there yesterday…

      • yeseventhistoowillpass

        I was watching a documentary where a guy was saying all of them are gone… Way over here on the West Coast how could I think otherwise?

        • I do understand your point, Juanito because here in “old Europe”, people who have never been to the US still believe that most Americans live and shoot each other like in the wild West movies or the serials! there’s even an expression:”they shoot people everywhere like in Texas!” lots of clichés, preconceptions and false judgments… 🙂

  20. The grazing looks so rich and lush.

  21. Merci de nous faire partager la beauté des Alpes, leur magnifique assaut de ciel dans la magie des cimes…

  22. I love the horses! 🙂

  23. WOW! Amazing views… Thank you, dear Melanie, love, nia

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