“nous ne voyons pas les choses comme elles sont, mais comme NOUS sommes…”(Anaïs Nin)

lorsque nous regardons autour de nous, nous tissons une sorte de “canevas” coloré où en noir et blanc… ses nuances se reflètent à travers nos perceptions, nos anticipations et nos émotions – mais tout reste mystérieux, complexe, subjectif et carrément énigmatique… ce qui est sûr et certain: 2 personnes ne perçoivent jamais les choses, les situations, les circonstances identiques ou similaires de la même façon, car nous sommes UNIQUES… je vis en “dystopie”(l’opposé d’une “utopie”!), je me sens comme un papillon “calligraphié” sur un vase, en encre de Chine et je me nourris du nectar savoureux des mots… ils se faufilent parmi les atomes de mes pensées afin de s’envoler vers un monde invisible où le hasard, la passivité, le fatalisme n’existe pas… mon présent et mon imagination se confondent pour naviguer sur les vagues de la vie, alors que mon avenir proche sera fait de mes sentiments intimes qui fredonneront le “Boléro” de Ravel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-4J5j74VPw.. 🙂
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photos prises @ l’aéroport de Taipei, Taïwan… 🙂 certains tissus m’ont rappelé l’artisanat roumain et basque, alors qu’ils étaient faits par des artisans autochtones; jetez un coup d’œil aux 2 oiseaux en mosaïque: le faisan “Mikado” et la “brève migratrice”(fairy pitta), essayez de deviner où j’ai pris ces photos… le faisan-empereur(“mikado” en japonais!) est considéré “le rois des oiseaux” en Asie et la “pitta” est aussi appelée “la nymphe migratrice”, surnommée “le petit ange des bois”… avez-vous trouvé?… eh bien, ces 2 volatiles indiquaient “les toilettes”: faisan=>gents; pitta=>ladies! 🙂 à propos: toute ressemblance entre les hommes et les faisans, les femmes et les “pittas” est absolument, définitivement, totalement aléatoire et hasardeuse, mais très drôle! 🙂

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motto:”We don’t see things as they are, but as WE are…”(Anaïs Nin) – she’s right! 🙂

whenever we look around us, we weave a kind of colorful or black and white “canvas”… its shades are reflected through our perceptions, expectations and emotions – but everything’s mysterious, complex, subjective and downright puzzling… what’s sure 100%: 2 people never perceive similar or identical things, situations, circumstances in the same way, ’cause we are all UNIQUE… I live in “dystopia land”(the opposite of “utopia”!), I feel like a butterfly that has been “calligraphed” on a vase with “India ink” and I feed myself on the tasty nectar of the words… they slip among the atoms of my thoughts to fly away to an invisible realm where chance, passivity, fatalism don’t exist… my present tense and my imagination join together to surf over the waves of life, whilst my near future will be made of my inner feelings humming Ravel’s “Boléro”… 🙂
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pix taken @ “Taiwanese ceremonial waiting lounge” of Taipei Airport, Taiwan… 🙂 some fabrics reminded me of Romanian and Basque handcraft, but they were made by Aboriginal Taiwanese craftsmen… oh, take a quick look at the 2 mosaic birds: the Taiwanese Mikado pheasant and the Fairy Pitta, try to guess where I took those pix… the 1st one is reckoned as “the Emperor(“mikado” in Japanese!) of all birds” of Asia and the 2nd one is also called a “nymph pitta”(pixy-fairy), nicknamed “little forest angel”… any idea? 🙂 they indicated “the restrooms”: pheasant => gents; pitta => ladies! 🙂 btw, any resemblance between men and pheasants, women and pittas is absolutely, definitely, completely aleatory and hazardous, but very funny! 🙂

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 15 November 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. Beautiful and inspiring, Mélanie, comme toujours. And “I feel like a butterfly that has been “calligraphed” on a vase with “India ink” and I feed myself on the tasty nectar of the words…” takes my breath away. xo

  2. I love that woman’s perception. 🙂

  3. Melanie, what a beautifully written piece and the pictures taken at the airport are awesome. My personal favorite is the goats and the farmer in the rice field. It is so life – like! – It looks so real I was about to ask you where you saw this and took it. You have an amazing way with words – I love how you can express yourself so vividly through writing.

    I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!

    • ❤ xié-xié, Constance! I took that photo on purpose(exprès!) 'cause that painting was completely different from the others: simple, natural, realistic… 🙂 wish you a formidable week and c u asap!

  4. ”We don’t see things as they are, but as WE are…”(Anaïs Nin) – she’s right! Yes… she is…

  5. Those mosaic birds are beautiful and in a restroom makes them more delightful. 🙂 Art should be accessible to all and what better place than the entrance of a restroom.

  6. Heureusement, tous ne sont pas “fermés” aux beautés qui nous entourent! Excellent, le berger avec ses chèvres, c’est simple à l’extrême, représentation de la vie des gens ordinaires…

  7. Boléro… Hmmm, j’adore!

  8. rather cute depictions of the genders! Beautiful vases and weaving!

  9. Immagini dell’aereoporto di Taipei? Un po’ kitsch nel loro genere. Almeno questa è la mia impressione.

  10. A very true quote from Anaïs Nin, Mélanie. Love those fabric designs and the beautiful artwork. I wonder what it feels like to have a Kung Fu massage. 😕

  11. Eh oui chacun s’approprie différemment le monde qui l’entoure, de là viennent souvent les malentendus mais aussi les rapprochements, les contraires aussi peuvent se compléter. Pour les toilettes j’ai souri en voyant les deux représentations et aussi à ta remarque, même si l’un est roi, je préfère l’appellation “petit ange des bois”! Bisous!

  12. C’est de là que viennent tous nos problèmes, il y en a toujours un qui veut que l’on voie comme lui.

  13. I have always admired this kind of art that always bring peace to me… my mom’s house is full of oriental furniture, I bet you have a lot from all your trips… and love that quote:”We don’t see things as they are, but as WE are…”(Anaïs Nin) – so true! besitos y abracitos, doris

    • Hola Doris! you’re right about Oriental “stuff”… well, from our 4 trips to Japan and Taiwan, we’ve brought just a few tiny souvenirs, and we have no Oriental furniture like your mama… 🙂 buenas noches en Tejas, abrazitos y hasta proxima!

  14. Thanks for gifts, visual and verbal.

  15. mmm, I love Jackie Chan’s movies with Kung Fu massage XD, oops, maybe is not that “massage”! The fabrics made me evoke the ones we do (very geometrical) in the highlands, the Japanese aboriginal Ainu people is also similar to our jungle people fabrics. Some years ago I remember wrote about perception and beauty. I agree with you cento per cento! 😉

  16. Oui, toutes et tous, nous voyons les choses et les événements, bien différemment, c’est tout à fait vrai! Que de différences entre nous… et pourtant, nous arrivons à nous entendre… pour l’indication des toilettes de même! 🙂 bonne poursuite de ce samedi, Mélanie!

  17. 😉 that’s my Rammy gal, ’cause same here… yep, life itself is a daily adventure, so I totally agree with your statement as I’m in, too… 🙂

  18. What lovely pictures. Yes, we all see things a little differently. My husband has been at me to get off the computer and do a little cleaning. 😦 DUST? I don’t see any dust. 🙂

  19. such peculiar artworks, Mélanie! haha, funny the two signs for male/female restrooms… I couldn’t go so far in ny mind! 🙂

  20. A Kung Fu Massage has me intrigued, does it mean having the hell kicked out of you whilst relaxing? Ian

  21. sans parler des daltoniens! 🙂 bisous à toi!

  22. Well, that’s an imaginative way to indicate gender. Was there a family/baby room with a nest of baby birds on the signage? 😉

    • 🙂 yes, indeed, that’s why I took the pix… 🙂 no “baby room”, but a neutral one, next to the “pitta’s” which did make sense, albeit nowadays… you did read my mind, as usually… 😉

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