Tromsø, Norway – last stop-over on the way up to North Cape…

Après Trondheim, Bodø  et les îles Lofoten, Tromsø est à 300 km au-dessus du cercle polaire arctique, dernière halte vers la Cap Nord – avec un climat plutôt modéré subarctique, différent de celui du Groenland(énorme île gelée!), car la Norvège est réchauffée par le gulf stream. Tromsø est la 7ème ville de Norvège, avec une population d’environ 54.000 personnes. La plupart de la ville est située sur une île qui peut être rejointe par des ponts à l’est et à l’ouest, ainsi que par un tunnel sur le côté est. Le plus célèbre monument de Tromsø est sa “cathédrale arctique” avec ses lignes triangulaires et d’énormes vitraux qui reflètent la lumière éblouissante du soleil Arctique. Construite en 1965, c’est une “église paroissiale”, pas une cathédrale. Tromsø en a une en bois qui a été terminée en 1861. Pour notre plus grand plaisir, un mariage mixte entre une jeune hollandaise et un officier de la marine norvégienne venait d’être célébré… 🙂

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After Trondheim, Bodø and Lofoten islands, Tromsø is situated at 300kms above the Arctic Circle, its climate is rather moderate and described as subarctic. There is no permafrost like in Greenland(a frozen mass!), because Norway is warmed by the gulf current. Tromsø is the 7th largest city in Norway with a population of about 54,000 people. Most of the city is located on an island which can be reached by bridges on the east and west as well as a tunnel on the east side. The most famous landmark in Tromsø is the “Arctic Cathedral”: its triangular lines have a huge window that reflects the dazzling light of the Arctic sun. It was built in 1965 and it’s a “parish church”, not a cathedral. Tromsø does have a wooden cathedral which was completed in 1861. To our delight, a mixed wedding between a Dutch young lady and a Norwegian navy officer had just been celebrated… 🙂
* * *
more wonderful Norway here:

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 13 April 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 37 Comments.

  1. Superbe voyage, merveilleux souvenirs, merci chère Mélanie. Joli jour, je t’embrasse, Liz

  2. thanx, Jo! I highly and warmly(LOL!) recommend Norway – an absoloute must-visit and believe me it’s not that cold… 🙂

  3. Da, dragostea are drept de catedrală, alte cuvinte sunt de prisos, ale tale spunând atât de mult despre un fel de altar, cel sacru, al sufletului în care suntem locuit de celălalt. Minunată călătorie ai avut, Melanie, deşi când rostesc cerc polar deja îmi îngheaţă sângele în vine. Amintirile astea pe care le-ai adunat sunt nestematele vieţii tale.

    • Dupa Japonia si Islanda, Norvegia e tara unde-as putea trai oricând, oriunde, oricum… 🙂 ca si-n Islanda, în Norvegia “Cerc Polar” nu implica “sângele înghetat”, pentru ca Gulf Stream-u'(curent caldut) regleaza clima si-o face suportabila… m-ai “citit” la fix despre comorile vietii mele si chiar mi-ai dat o idee de post viitor, merci! 🙂

  4. Norway looks amazing! Thanks fur sharing! *(purrs)*

  5. Melanie, your engaging story is a beautiful as the photos, I had to smile on Burger King. 🙂

  6. So, you’ve got the entire North tour ! Thanks for sharing, I loved the photos. You’ll have a lot to tell to your future grandchildre! 🙂 Hugs, and have a good comeback trip!

    • am revenit deja… cu placere si cu bucurie! si-n Norvegia am fost tot de 2 ori, ca-n Islanda: am vizitat sudu’ si-apoi nordu’… 🙂 bon mardi & hugs back… ❤

  7. Lovely photos… it has been years since I was in Norway. The cathedral’s window must be outstanding when bright sunshine streams through.

    • Thanx, Karen and welcome to Norway fan club! 🙂 yep, oustandin’ indeed as I’ve mentioned above: its triangular lines have a huge window that reflects the dazzling light of the Arctic sun… 🙂

  8. M-am bucurat de o călătorie frumoasă, în locuri minunate pe care nu le cunoșteam, dar care datorită ție le-am descoperit căci explicațiile de rigoare și poezia în proză le-au dat un farmec în plus. O săptămână cât mai plăcută, Melanie!

    • mii de multumiri pentru tot-tot, Georgeta: vizita, apreciere si urari… sanatate, spor în tot ce-ti propui sa realizezi si-o saptamâna pozitiva! cu pretuire si cu drag… ❤

  9. Bonjour Mélanie!

    De loin, “la cathédrale arctique” a un petit air de “Sydney Opera House”… Le géographe que je suis te remercie d’avoir mis une carte… On ne peut pas vivre sans, enfin pas moi… Très beau poème en prose… Une belle manière de voyager! Bonne journée! (ici, 3°c ce matin: tu vois, la Norvège est à portée!) Amitiés, Hervé

    • HH = hola Hervé! 🙂 tu as raison sur l’architecture des 2 monuments emblématiques de ces 2 villes situées dans des hémisphères opposés… btw, j’adore les cartes et donc la géographie que j’ai même enseignée pendant qqs mois – en Roumanie et aux USA…(j’ai remplacé les profs en congés divers…) quant au poème en prose, il m’a été inspiré par les photos prises sur place… merci, un lundi au soleil(hi Clo-clo!) et amitiés toulousaines – déjà très ensoleillées… 🙂

  10. It is so wonderful seeing pictures from my country!!! I miss it sooo much!!! Thank you for this! I needed it! 🙂

    • you’re very welcome and tusen takk, Line! I love and I also miss your amazing homeland… ❤ btw, when do you go back?… my very best, good luck in all your endeavours and have an optimistic week! 🙂

  11. Superbă catedrală, uimitor de frumoase vitralii. Cât despre poemele tale bilingve, ce pot să mai spun… fermecătoare!

    • da, Zina aceasta “biserica parohiala” protestanta(reformata) – confesiunea crestina dominanta în toate tarile scandinave – e splendida si unica… ma bucur si-s onorata de comentariu’-ti amical: multumesc si-o zi senina, afar’ si-n suflet… ❤

  12. Hard to believe that a town so far north can have a relatively mild climate. The Gulf Current is a wonderful thing, Melanie. Hope you have a great week!

  13. Beautiful shots. I like in particular the night scene. And alas, Burger King has found its way to this town. At least it is housed in a building that hasn’t been changed to fit in with the franchise’s look.

    • Mille merci, Colline! You’ve made me smile with “Burger King”: it’s supposed to be far better than McDonald’s… btw, I did see one at the foot of Fujiyama(Mt Fuji) in Japan! 🙂

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