“in our Alps, even thistles are lovely…”:-)

un proverbe local:”dans nos Alpes, même les chardons sont beaux…” – beautés alpines qui poussent entre 2500-3000m: le trèfle rose, les pensées violettes, les marguerites jaunes, les chardons des crêtes – “cousins” de leurs “immortelles” pyrénéennes, et la soyeuse linaigrettre qui m’a rappelé l’Islande et la Norvège… 🙂

Les chardons… – Renée Vivien

Tu ne seras jamais la fiévreuse captive
Qu’enchaîne, qu’emprisonne le lit,
Tu ne seras jamais la compagne lascive
Dont la chair se consume et dont le front pâlit.
Garde ton blanc parfum qui dédaigne le faste.
Tu ne connaîtras point les lâches abandons,
Les sanglots partagés qui font l’âme plus vaste,
Le doute et la faiblesse ardente des pardons
Et, puisque c’est ainsi que je t’aime, ô très chaste!
Nous cueillerons ce soir les mystiques chardons…

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some Alpine beauties that grow between 2500-3000m: pink clover, purple pansies, yellow daisies, ridge thistles – ‘cousins’ of the Pyrénées ‘immortal’ ones, and silky cottongrass that has reminded me of Iceland and Norway… 🙂
* * *
Thistles… – Renée Vivien

You’ll never be a feverish captive
who chains and jails the bed,
You’ll never be a lascivious companion
Whose flesh eats you up and whose forehead turns pale.
Keep your white scent that scorns any ostentation.
You won’t have to bear cowardly abandonments,
Shared sobs that enlarge our soul,
Doubt and burning weakness of pardons,
And since this is how I love you, O most chaste one!
Tonight we’ll collect mystical thistles…

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 6 August 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Amazing the many colors and sizes of thistles. Those of the Alps are really quite beautiful, Melanie.

  2. Les oeillets de montagne. Si petits qu’on les manque souvent! 🙂

  3. Často to, co píchá je vzácné, například růže? Mám ráda bodláky, jsem také trochu bodlák a někdy “píchám„ Dobrý večer, ráno, noc, cokoliv chcete…

  4. Such lovely proof of alpine beauty. And, though Sweden is not in the alps, I remember my father at age 86 shedding “three handkerchiefs worth” of tears when he heard “Edelweiss” performed by my junior high son. — memories of his homeland.

  5. So beautiful, my friend! 🙂

  6. Who ever said that weeds weren’t beautiful? {Abrazos}

  7. I love these plants and flowers! Well done!

  8. Merci pour ces beautés alpines Mélanie! Bonne fin d’après-midi et agréable soirée!

  9. Je ne connais pas tous les noms, mais j’adore ta série de fleurs.

  10. These flowers are beautiful. No wonder you love the Alps 🙂

  11. A lovely slideshow, Mélanie. I loved seeing the thistles and clover flowers. They reminded me of my childhood in England. 🙂

  12. I’ve never seen thistles in bloom before… and I just love the cotton grass!

  13. Fabulous! Love the mountain flowers. 🙂

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