absolute love ignores distance…

je suis née en janvier, mais la neige m’est proche même en été, au-dessus des nuages, sur les cimes de mes chères montagnes… j’aime inconditionnellement, sans ultimatums, sans morceaux décousus par les saisons, aucune avalanche ne peut m’agenouiller ou me balayer… je t’ai souvent imaginé réel, authentique, concret, tangible – afin de pouvoir nous envoler ensemble vers la même destination… je serai ton aube, tu seras mon eau de source, je serai ton oxygène, tu seras mon crépuscule…

le hasard et les coïncidences n’existent pas, nos ailes sont tatouées avec des rêves en cristal et une fois dans le ciel, les cendres du passé restent derrière nous à jamais… l’amour absolu ignore la distance, il coule dans nos veines, comme la lave incandescente dans un champ d’orchidées… nous allons compléter un puzzle commencé des années auparavant avec 2 empreintes intemporelles, en réécoutant le chant des baleines au milieu du cercle de feu du Pacifique.
* * *
Emmanuel Moire – je fais de toi mon essentiel…


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I was born in January, but snow is close to me even in summer, above the clouds, over the tops of my beloved mountains… I love unconditionally, with no ultimatums, no unstitched chunks of seasons, no avalanche can kneel me or sweep me off… I’ve always imagined you real, genuine, concrete and tangible – being able to fly together to the same destination… I’ll be your dawn, you’ll be my spring water, I’ll be your oxygen, you’ll be my dusk…

random and coincidences don’t exist, our wings are tattooed with crystal dreams and once in the sky, the ashes of the past remain behind us for good… absolute love ignores distance, it flows through our veins like incandescent lava over an orchid field… we’ll complete a jigsaw we started years ago with 2 timeless prints, listening to the whales’ song in the middle of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 13 January 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 67 Comments.

  1. Such beauty in your words. I loved reading them. ❤

  2. When I read your poems, I always feel summer. Ironic you are born in winter. Happy birthday mon amie. ❤

  3. Here’s the thing… in the end one loves to feel connected and I love the fact that you love mountains. Right now it is that simple to justify liking your post! 🙂

  4. Vraiment touchant et si beau Mélanie, merci pour ce délicieux partage! Gros bisous mon amie, Gigi 😊

  5. Nata in gennaio ma ama l’estate. Una felice serata!

  6. By the way, Joyeux Anniversaire, mon amie, Melanie. 🙂

  7. Mélanie, très émouvant! J’ai une passion très similaire pour la mer. Peut-être parce que je suis né en été? Il a toujours été ma source. Maintenant, ce jour en Janvier? Joyeux Anniversaire! L’anniversaire de mon fils est cette semaine. Bisous, Léa

  8. Loved that Romantic poetic writing. Beautifully worded and really describes the emotions of true Love. Ian

  9. Always love your poetical writings (and love the title!)… is it almost your birthday? Happy birthday and wishing you a wonderful year 2015! 🙂

  10. Distance doesn’t make love less real 🙂

  11. u r femme de Voyage, femme de Voyage!!! ha – great slide show – awesome words – and safe travels to u amiga!

  12. Awe inspiring, absolutely beautiful! Thanks, Melanie… 🙂 Have a wonderful day! Iris 😉

  13. I found your blog by chance as you visited mine. Thank you for your comment and decided to follow your blog looks intriguing.

  14. Am ameţit de atâta frumuseţe câtă este în imaginile acelea incredibil de spectaculoase. Eh! Cum să nu te apuce amorul? Cum să nu-ţi vină să-l cauţi în munţii aceea superbi pe Wilhelm Tell? Până una – alta eu adun săgeţile.

  15. Ce sont de belles images et un beau texte exalté! C’est toi sur les photos? Bonne soirée, Mo

  16. Spectacular views and photos, Melanie! Really enjoyed the tour!

  17. la multi ani!!! am si eu o farama din tortul tau de aniversare?! il mancam amandoua stand turceste in zapada cea “fierbinte”!!!

  18. You have the best of all worlds. 🙂

  19. beautiful photos… I love landscapes photography, is there anything so perfect as a beautiful landiscape?

  20. Such stunning geography. Some people don’t like taking pictures of places, they like people but I think some geography is so beautiful that it stands for itself… even better… a bonus when you can capture both geography and people as you have often done. 😀

  21. V-am mai spus oare că sunteți mereu îndrăgostită și că rândurile vă sunt la fel? Să aveți o zi edenică!

  22. love these words and photos! i’m a winterchild from the north! 😉

    “i have never seen snow and do not know what winter means…”(duke kahanamoku)

  23. Sehr poetische Gedanken im frühen Jahr, das uns allen hoffentlich Freude und Zufriedenheit schenkt. Dir ein gesundes neues Jahr. Ernst

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