Hand-painted Saxophone Exhibition – Taipei, Taiwan…

motto:”À quoi bon fréquenter Platon, quand un saxophone peut aussi bien nous faire entrevoir un autre monde?…”(Émile Michel Cioran)

eh oui, en regardant ces saxos “Golden Splendor”, j’ai repensé à Bill Clinton car l’ancien Prez des USA aura également été un saxophoniste célèbre… 🙂 Il a écrit dans son autobiographie qu’il avait brièvement envisagé une carrière musicale vers l’âge de 16 ans, mais plus tard, il a changé d’avis. Il a expliqué que même s’il aimait la musique et savait qu’il pourrait devenir un très bon musicien, il ne serait jamais au niveau d’un Stan Getz ou John Coltrane. Dans la fonction publique, cependant, il était sûr qu’il pourrait exceller, mais il est resté passionné par la musique tout au long de sa vie politique. En fait, il a même joué avec le saxophoniste Clarence Clemmons(Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band!) au bal inaugural de 1993 après avoir remporté l’élection présidentielle. Il a joué qqs classiques lors d’un concert en direct au “Reduta Jazz Club” de Prague en 1994: ce concert est connu sous le nom “le bœuf des 2 présidents”, comme Clinton a invité le Prez tchèque Vaclav Havel sur scène pour jouer avec lui. En 2007, Bill a signé et offert le saxophone dont il a joué lors de son investiture à l’American Jazz Museum de Kansas City, Missouri. Le talentueux saxophoniste et trompettiste Benny Carter a joué en 1996 avec le roi-saxophoniste de Thaïlande et a ensuite déclaré:”Eh bien, il n’est point Bill Clinton!” 🙂
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bonus drôle:
– Pourquoi Bill Clinton a-t-il arrêté de jouer du saxophone?…
– Parce qu’il a décidé de jouer de l’harMonica… 🙂

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motto:”Why bother and what’s the point of staying around Plato, as long as a saxophone can also give us a glimpse of another world?…”(Emile Michel Cioran)

yeah, while I was looking at these “Golden Splendor saxes”, I did think about Bill Clinton ’cause the former POTUS has also been a famous saxophone player… 🙂 He wrote in his autobiography that he’d briefly considered a musical career when he was around 16, but later he changed his mind. He explained that while he loved music and was sure that he could develop into a very good player, his skills would never reach the likes of Stan Getz or John Coltrane. In public service, however, he was sure he could excel and Billy was still passionate about playing music during his political season. In fact, he played with Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band saxophonist Clarence Clemmons at the 1993 inaugural ball after winning the presidency. He even played some classics during a live gig at the “Reduta Jazz Club” in Prague in 1994: this concert became known as the “2 Presidents’ Gig” after Clinton invited the Czech Prez Vaclav Havel on stage to play with him. In 2007, Clinton signed and donated the saxophone he played at his inauguration to the American Jazz Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. Last but not least: the fine saxophone player and trumpeter Benny Carter jammed in 1996 with the saxophone-playing King of Thailand and said afterwards:”well, he’s no Bill Clinton!” 🙂
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funny bonus:
– Why did Bill Clinton quit playing the saxophone?…
– Because he decided to play the harMonica… 🙂
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Prez Bill Clinton – sax solo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4DrHK4ErUI

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 25 January 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 44 Comments.

  1. Je vais aller me coucher plus cultivé, tu m’apprends que Vaclav Havel jouait du saxo, plus deux citations intéressantes, que demander de plus en deux minutes de lecture. Les instruments ont l’air magnifique.

  2. Haha… o mica paranteza… pe langa… subiect… 🙂 Nu stiu cand va disparea umorul legat de harMonica… cert e c-am zambit. Larg. 😀

  3. Such gorgeous artwork and the way you described this is amazing! Music and art go hand in hand, Melanie!

  4. Je ne le savais pas si bon muisicien…

  5. harMonica ! Ugh. I happen to like Bill Clinton. XD

  6. Woody Allen aussi, joue du sax… en tout cas joue du jazz.

  7. so lovely, you brought me into the light in many ways 😉 by the way, i find, sax is the most sensual instrument i know!

  8. Hand painted saxophones! Wonderful to see exhibition from your video… a beautiful instrument and interesting to read about Bill Clinton… 😉 Enjoy your week! 🙂

  9. Esti uimitoare, uimitoare calatoare si uimitoare scriitoare. Sa iti ramina mereu bucuriile astea. Clinton a incetat si sax si sex, cred! 🙂

  10. Superbes ces saxophones peints, je n’en avais jamais vus. J’aime beaucoup cet instrument et j’admire tous les musiciens qui savent le faire chanter, c’est vraiment le top. Pour ce qui est de Bill Clinton je l’ai entendu jouer en effet dans une émission et aussi sur youtube, il se défend. J’ai bien ri en lisant le bonus! Bon dimanche! Bisous!

    • mille merci, Gisèle pour tes visites amicales et intéressantes… ah, pour d’autres (sou)rires, click stp en haut sur ma rubrique “international jokes”… une semaine positive, optimiste et légère! 🙂

  11. Hi Melanie, I love the saxophone. I feature it in one of my songs “O Rio Amazonas” from the album “Manaus Where Two Rivers Meet”. Leslie

  12. Chapeau, eine schöner Rückblick, danke…

  13. On my wish list is to learn to play the Saxaphone – now I have added a hand painted sax to that list!

  14. … et quel jeu de mots, hein, Mélanie! Bonne poursuite de ce dimanche!

  15. Nice post. Playing the Sax was one of the things that helped make Bill Clinton more “regular” in my mind. I love the photos.

  16. Beautiful Saxophones collection!

  17. Loved the post and what a coincidence I too used the term POTUS in my post today. You see the current POTUS is on visit to India. 🙂

  18. What a nice tale… even the dreadful joke at the end! 😉 My children have their own baking business: this might appeal, under the circumstances!


  19. Fantastic piece of history Melanie, Bill Clinton played the saxaphone and considered a musical career. Those saxaphones are great, conjure up images of Louis Armstrong and Louisiana days of the deep south. Ian

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