Monsieur Etna & moi – quelle joie…:-)

Mont Etna, appelé localement “Mongibello”, s’élève au-dessus de la ville sicilienne de Catane. Ses champs de lave couvrent une grande partie de la surface de ce vaste massif, ce qui en fait le plus grand(3300m!) et le plus volumineux d’Europe. Depuis l’Antiquité, Etna aura eu une activité presque constante, étant considéré comme le 2e volcan le plus actif, et donc, productif sur terre – après le Kilauea(Hawaii) que je reverrai bientôt… Ses fréquentes éruptions sont souvent accompagnées d’immenses coulées de lave, mais elles ont rarement présenté un danger pour les zones habitées. L’Etna est l’un des volcans qui a les plus longs enregistrements historiques des éruptions, remontant à plus de 2000 ans. “Assoupi” depuis environ 2 ans, il s’est réveillé cette année, du fin-février à mi-mars, aussi impressionnant que d’habitude, mais la semaine dernière il semblait dormir comme un loir! P.S. On peut même skier sur l’Etna et le vin local est très apprécié – santé! 🙂

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Mount Etna, locally called “Mongibello”, rises above the Sicilian city of Catania. Its lava fields cover much of the surface of this vast mountain, making it the highest(3300m!) and the largest one in Europe. Since Antiquity, Etna has had an almost constant activity, being considered the 2nd most active and productive volcano on earth – after Kilauea(Hawaii) that I’m gonna see again… Its frequent eruptions are often accompanied by wide lava flows, but they’ve rarely presented a danger to the populated areas. Etna is one of the volcanoes which has had the longest historical records of eruptions, for over 2000 years. “Dozing” for about 2 years, it woke up as spectacular as usual, from late-February to mid-March of this year, but last week it seemed to be sleeping like a log! P.S. You can even ski on Etna and the local wine is highly appreciated – cheers! 🙂

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 31 May 2017, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. ‘The local wine…’ – oh yessss!


  2. There are a few places where I would like to go to in this life. Volcano Etna is one of them. What did you feel there? I Think something like man’s first steps on Earth? 🙂

    • well, you may recall we love mountains, in general and volcanoes, in particular… Etna has just reminded us of Lanzarote Canary island, btw, we’ve already visited the 4 main Canary islands and a small one last Fall… BUT then again: our favourite volcanoes are those of Iceland, Japan and Hawaii… 🙂

  3. Wow… One wrong move and you’ll be toast! 😀 Seriously, I love how the miracle of life springs back from the most desolate places! watch your step!

  4. J’aurais un peu peur, tout de même…

  5. I had a vin Sicilien at our go-to wine bar last night. I raised it to you! 🙂

  6. Doreen Fraietta

    Spectacular! I will show Mike all of these pictures.

  7. It’s amazing to see the earth’s active volcanoes. I was living in Seattle when Mt St Helens erupted. Closer to the action than I ever want to be again.

  1. Pingback: Monsieur Etna | Il Blog di Tino Soudaz 2.0 ( un pochino)

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