le bonheur – happiness?!…:-)

motto:“Le bonheur terrestre est fait de 3 choses: une femme, un beau soleil et un cheval!”(Théophile Gautier)

chevaux noirs comme les nuits sans étoiles, cachées dans leur doux regard clair – repères fiables de lumière et de liberté… ils vivent en parfaite harmonie avec les conifères pyrénéens et les sommets enneigés… authentiques, droits, constants, forts, souples, optimistes – ils semblent glorifier la vie et chaque saison… 🙂
* * *
motto:’Earthly happiness is made ​​up of 3 things: a woman, a fine sun and a horse!'(Théophile Gautier)

black horses like starless nights, hidden within their bright meek eyes – reliable landmarks of light and freedom… they live in perfect harmony with the Pyrenean evergreens and their snow capped peaks… genuine, steady, faithful, strong, flexible, optimistic – they seem to glorify life and each season… 🙂
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Plateau de Beille, Pyrénées Ariégeoises… 🙂

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🙂 FFF = formidable Friday fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbFC7USYuNI
speaking English can “kill” you, so drink, eat, make love as much as you like… 🙂 remember:“Les jours sont des fruits et notre rôle est de les manger…” – “Days are like fruits and our role is to eat them up…”(Jean Giono) – bon appétit & enjoy your day(s) to the fullest, guys! 🙂

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 24 October 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 61 Comments.

  1. Beautiful places, great pictures! 🙂

  2. I shall keep eating my fruit! 🙂

  3. You’ve shared another beautiful landscape with us, Melanie. The herd of black horses was a sight to behold. I can only imagine them out in a snow-covered pasture.

  4. Merci Mélanie, vraiment magnifique, bon début de semaine, bisous, Gigi 🙂

  5. Je les connais ces chevaux pour les avoir montés, de formidables compagnons. Parcourir les Pyrénées en leur compagnie, un souvenir que je ne suis pas prête d’oublier. Magnifiques photos! Bises.

  6. beautiful words “like starless nights”! beautiful horses, beautiful mountains!

  7. I love the hilltop pictures. You have created a real feeling of space with them.

  8. Spectacular photos, thoughts, phrases, etc! Have a GREAT weekend, my friend! And enjoy life the way you do! Take care! 🙂

  9. I would love to hear the list of earthly happiness from Théophile Gautier’s wife, too! 😀 black horses as emissaries from a moonless night… happy weekend, Mélanie! 🙂

  10. SUPER!!! 🙂 I adore horses! 🙂 marvellous series! 🙂 Best wishes, Wanda

  11. Bonsoir Mélanie, magnifique série, j’aime les chevaux, merci pour le partage. Bon weekend! Hervé

  12. I love it… Finally, the ultimate diagnosis. I guess it’s the American version of English that kills. How about the Brits?

  13. Gorgeous horses, Melanie.

  14. Magnifiques chevaux! J’♥ beaucoup! Bonne poursuite de ce vendredi Mélanie!

  15. Frumusetea cailor negrii ca smoala, soarele stralucitor, verdele ierbii… ce fericire mai mare pentru un spirit liber? 🙂

  16. Mi-am amintit de copilărie când tata mă sprijinea pe un cal negru, uriaș mi se părea mie. Și eu zburam pe bune…

  17. Marvellous, Melanie. Merci.

  18. Love, love, love the prescription for those speaking English (so true) I shall keep it in mind at the party in Embres this weekend! 😉

  19. Que c’est magnifique! I love the imagery in this post – thanks for making the connection to me. I will read with zeal!

  20. The horses are beautiful. Formidable Friday Fun is hilarious. Seems I will have to stop speaking English. 😀

    • yes, they are… 😉 btw, they have plenty of stuff in common with… cats and I love them both! 🙂 ❤ MILLE MERCI for reading me, Lady-G… glad you've liked my funny link… 🙂

    • I guess I will have to stop speaking English too. Except I live in the state of Texas and god only knows what they speak here, but it sure ain’t English. So I’m safe. I always like seeing Melanie in the pictures. 🙂

      • I did mention @ my ‘about’ that I lived in Houston, TX(Clear Lake-NASA area) for 5 years, so I do understand and I also sympathize with you, young lady… 🙂 btw, our smart son-in-law, born in NJ came to Houston as a kid and he left it last winter to live here in France, ‘old Europe’… 🙂

        • I remember either reading that or I think perhaps you commented to me about living in Houston for a while. I exaggerated a little bit about the language… very little. 😦 English is my husband’s third language and he’s not about to learn a 4th (Texanese) lol!

          • I do recall, too… 😉 English is my 2nd language, French – the 3rd one, followed by Italian and Spanish… 🙂 btw, what’s your hubby’s mother tongue?… LOL back! 🙂

            • His mother tongue is Armenian but sadly forgetting a lot of it. I think I can count to ten in it and ask if you had a nice bath. I really envy and admire those of you who speak several languages. I think if we all could converse in several languages, we might have a better world.

              • there are lots of Armenians in France whose families survived (after) the Armenian Genocide ordered by the Ottoman government in 1915… a famous one is Charles Aznavour(ian) – singer, composer and actor, you may have heard some of his songs… you’re right about speaking several languages as we live in a world of communication, but English has ‘controlled'(mastered!) the planet these past 50 years.

                • Yes, we like the songs of Charles Aznavour. Very familiar now with the Armenian tragedy. Had not known much about it until I met my husband. Feelings still run high.

                  • glad to hear you like Monsieur Aznavour’s songs… he still sings at 90, he’s a French-Armenian ‘monument’ and a living legend… I’m not surprised that you didn’t know about the Armenian tragedy: you haven’t had wars in America for hundreds of years and ‘old Europe’ is sooo far-away from you… on the other side, ALL white Americans do have European roots(origins) and I think identity is extremely important…

                    P.S. oh, I’ve had a formidable Armenian friend for years, her name is Hasmig and she’s an Italian highschool teacher.

                    • My husband has a strong Armenian identity although we don’t know any Armenians. He will never forget what his countrymen and family went through.

                      I don’t have that strong identity. A bit of German/Irish in me. And when I read the news and see so many different views and beliefs in the US, it is hard to identify with any of them. I suppose multi-culture is both a strength and a weakness.

  21. L’Homme a apprivoisé le cheval. Puis il l’a dressé. Il a essayé la même chose avec la femme. Il a découvert très vite qu’il devait s’arrêter au premier stade. La femme a dressé l’homme. Elle, elle a parfaitement réussi. Le Soleil éclairait la scène. Lui, on ne peut le dresser, ni l’apprivoiser d’ailleurs. Ma morale est qu’hommes et femmes sont bien occupés et que le soleil est bien le souverain de toute chose… tout ça, c’est de la fausse philosophie à deux balles. Il ne faut pas me prendre au sérieux. Que tes images sont belles et sereines, Mélanie. Bonne journée! Hervé

    • dresser ou soumettre la femme?!… no way, Hervé: illusion perdue d’avance! 😉 merci pour ta philosophie solaire, bon vendredi et amitiés ensoleillées… à+! 🙂

  22. Quel paysage magnifique Mélanie! Et des beaux chevaux en plus, j’aime bien l’idée de “manger” la vie comme un fruit, un très bon conseil! 🙂 Je vous souhaite un bon week-end fruité! 🙂

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