“Open your heart and soul to the Universal Spirit…”:-)

several years ago, I had the privilege to spend 3 days in the Monument Valley area… this Navajo nation reservation is located on the Arizona-Utah state line and it’s also known as the valley of the rocks region… the works of the native American artists were created to reflect that special spot where the human soul feels eternally free, safe, alive and peaceful… an amazing place where life and love are unconditional, clean and clear like an eagle in flight or a priceless summer dusk… however, obscure that venue may seem, it’s always there, like fond memories or a dear friend or a lover… this is a unique lieu – soft as mountain moonbeams, true and solid as a rock… breathe deep, feel the sun tenderly touch all life as one, hear the tiny grass grow, listen to Kokopelli’s music – the humpbacked flute player… 🙂

watch the cool streams flow as birds sing and dreams unfold, so close to our thoughts, worthless woe melts into golden moments… reunited and relaxed, slowly walking and silently talking with the unseen spirit of Mother Nature, rejoicing and sensing its vast, intense, supreme creations… simply redeemed, alive, cleansed, revived under the azure sky in the woodlands… to the lucky ones, this realm of serenity is called “home”, the hopeful ones call it “heaven” and others believe that peace can be found in the majesty of the great American wilderness, in all its splendor and glory… I’m one of them as I strongly believe that gratitude and thankfulness are parts of the generosity of our heart… our joy of offering and of receiving is even greater, really huge, ’cause the more we share, the more we possess the treasure of life… 🙂
* * *
some of my fond souvenirs: hand painted gifts by Native American artists and Easter eggs from Romanian friends & Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, UK… 🙂

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N.B. as a Darwinian-Cartesian(or vice-versa!), I’ve adopted the 10 Commandments of the Native Americans:

1. The Earth is our Mother, care for Her.
2. Honor all your relations with your fellows.
3. Open your heart and soul to the Universal Spirit.
4. All life is sacred, treat all beings with respect and tolerance.
5. Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
6. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
7. Speak the truth but only for the good in others.
8. Follow the rhythm of Nature: rise and retire with the sun.
9. Take full responsibility for your actions.
10. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks; look after the well-being of Mind and Body…
* * *
may the Universal Spirit be with you, now and always! Merry Catholic & Protestant(reformed) Easter weekend! 🙂

About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 4 April 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. I like this post very much and let me say that I Agree in toto! Sherawith 💛💙💜

  2. Wise words to live by.

  3. This is a post I resonate with. As I love Arizona, the desert and all it’s beauty. What lovely souvenirs and I too love those commandments. I will be spending the winter there next year and can’t wait to do a lot of touring around. 🙂

  4. Yes! So beautiful. I love the art work. The ten commandments are beautiful too!

  5. hola y gracias “Enigma”! 🙂

  6. E impresionant și emoționant să vezi un simbol al tradițiilor românești într-un muzeu englezesc. M-au impresionat ”cele zece porunci”, poruncile bunului simț, aș spune…

    • asa-i Zina si nu orice muzeu, ci cel al Universitatii (din) Oxford… ah, sunt adepta poruncilor amerindiene de câteva decenii… 😉

      • În principiu, și eu sunt adepta unor asemenea concepții, fără a le fi localizat până acum ca aparținând unei anumite etnii dintr-o anumită zonă. Pur și simplu, așa am simțit. Să ai zile frumoase, Melania!

  7. Ces principes amérindiens sont vraiment à suivre. Les œufs peints sont de toute beauté. Bonne soirée! Bises!

  8. That is quite a stunning collection of eggs you have shown us.

    If you were actually able to stay on the reservation then you have received a great honor. I find that my spirit micks the native american naturally and I do very well with your commandments, except #8.

  9. I’d add “be happy” 😉

    • well, logically speakin’, if you observe all those commandments, you’ll be happy… 🙂

      • We in Peru have similar thoughts, respect to the Pachamama (principle feminine of Earth) and the Sea and Apus. Don’t take any life for nothing (sport hunting for example) but respecting it; among so many things. But they don’t make you happy, just make you harmonize and unite your life with the world that gave you the life and is still living. Of course in the North they besides harmony they get happiness, I hope so 🙂

  10. The perfect litany. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  11. Luând postare cu postare, este greu de spus ce parte a Planetei Albastre vizitată de tine este mai frumoasă! Sunt daruri ale naturii pe care nu oricine ştie să le descopere şi poate că sunt ochi care nici nu pot să vadă, fiindcă mintea lor este “setată” doar pe latura materială a vieţii, uitând de hrana spiritului. Am fost impresionată de etica şi profunzimea celor 10 porunci. Dacă poruncile ortodoxiei se reduc la interdicţii, acestea se adresează minţii integrate în spiritul universal! Fabulos. Le-am copiat şi le-am adus în documentele mele. Se pare că şirul mulţumirilor pe care simt că ţi le datorez, se continuă cu noi motive! Mulţi scriu şi poate ca şi tine spun că este un loc de joacă, dar câţi pot înfrumuseţa caractere prin ceea ce scriu aşa cum faci tu, strecurând fără să-ţi propui, adevărate lecţii de viaţă. Mulţumesc, Melanie!

    • ma bucur ca ti-au placut poruncile amerindiene: sunt realiste, logice, generoase, umane… ref la confesiunea ortodoxa, daca ai 1 minut liber, te rog sa citesti mai jos dialogu’ cu “illusion”… ai sezizat corect si exact: nu dau lectii de viata, asa cum am precizat la “about”… multumesc pentru atentie si-o seara placuta!

  12. You are far from alone in your appreciation of Monument Valley. As I’m sure you know, Hollywood also loves it, and many movies have been filmed (either almost wholly or in part) there… including EASY RIDER, FORREST GUMP and several John Ford westerns.

    As for those Native American 10 Commandments, one could do a lot worse than to take them for their life’s guide. 🙂

    • yes, Sir, I do know that all those movies were shot there and even some westerns whose plot was supposed to take place in Texas! 🙂 I totally agree with your last sentence… 😉

  13. Je te souhaite de joyeuses Pâques, Mélanie.

  14. Paste Fericit draga Melania, te imbratisez cu drag

  15. Reblogged this on Il Blog di Tino Soudaz 2.0 ( un pochino) and commented:
    “Open your heart and soul to the Universal Spirit…”:-)

  16. So Beautiful my dear friend!! Happy Easter Melanie!!! Cheers my friend xoxo 🙂

  17. A beautiful experience, Melanie – Thank You for sharing

    Warmest Hugs


  18. Beautiful souvenirs. I like the way the Native American commandments are framed as Dos not Don’ts

  19. vos pensées sont très émouvantes et les artefacts très belles… merci.

  20. Lucky you! P.S. Interesante porunci, parcă mai spirituale decât cele creștine!

  21. Beautiful exquisite works of art, the indigenous peoples have a relationship with the natural beauty of the Earth and use it to create wonderful work.

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