Ísafjörður(ices’ fjord) – Westfjords, Iceland…

one of the 10 top destinations in the Westfjords – and one of my favourite Icelandic fjords… 🙂 “Ices’ fjord” is the largest town in the peninsula of Vestfirðir (Westfjords), less than 3000 people, located on a spit of sand(eyri)… well, it’s Iceland, but yet a quite different one altogether… 🙂

N.B. this post is dedicated to my friends Miléna & Jeff, Caroline & Pascal who have decided to visit Iceland this coming summer – after they’ve seen my pictures… 🙂

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About Mél@nie

https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/about/ Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 15 February 2014, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 45 Comments.

  1. I’ve only been to Reykjavik, but it was amazing!

    • I’ve been to Iceland twice and did visit most of it, it’s gonna be a 3rd time asap… I’ve dedicated several posts to the Glaciers’ Realm… both Japan and Iceland are 2 unique “spots” where I could live… 🙂

  2. Hi and thanks for visiting my blog. As a true Iceland addict, I followed your advice and typed ‘Iceland’ in the searchbox: Great shots of wonderful places. I’ve been only once, in June 2010; and it was breathtaking. Thanks for sharing your shots! (If you to some of mine; just type ‘Iceland’ in the searchbox of my blog and… Well, you know how it works… See you! 🙂

    • bonjour, Harrie! 🙂 “feralc4t” has mentioned your blog here and I did follow his suggestion… I’ve been to Iceland twice and I simply love it! ❤ btw, one of my family members is there right now for a week… thanx, my very best and c u asap! 🙂

  3. Yes, I’ve heard that before, about it being up in the top of destinations list. I definitely would love to visit sometime. Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  4. Nous avons visité l’Islande en 2008 et nous sommes tombés en amour avec ce merveilleux pays. Nous n’avons toutefois pas eu le temps de visiter les fjords de l’ouest ou le centre du pays donc cela nous donnera une raison d’y retourner. Belles photos…(Suzanne)

    • Bonsoir Suzanne et merci pour ta visite amicale! 🙂 Nous sommes allés en Islande 2 fois, elle nous est restée au cœur…<3 Nous aimons le Canada, aussi… 🙂 Bonne soirée, amitiés toulousaines et à+!

  5. Beautiful shots Melanie! Perfect views for sketching, too!😃xxx

  6. Melanie, păi ai reuşit să convingi pe toţi vizitatorii blogului tău să îndrăgească Islanda, nu numai pe prietenii tăi. Diferenţa este că prietenii tăi Milena & Jeff, Caroline & Pascal o vor vizita cu certitudine în vară, iar eu… o pun pe agendă şi poate, poate vom reuşi să facem acest pas uriaş spre ţara gheţarilor!

  7. What a stunning setting for a village! Beautiful.

  8. Un bell’omaggio e delle spledide immagini…

  9. Astea sunt ilustrate postale, nu simple fotografii! Splendide, felicitari autorului/autorilor! 🙂

  10. Les pays nordiques m’ont toujours fascinée, j’ai hâte d’aller les découvrir! L’Islande est merveilleuse, apparemment… 🙂

    • Hey Polina, parmi les pays scandinaves, la Norvège est ma préférée et bien-aimée, suivie par la Suède et la Finlande… l’Islande est UNIQUE, comme le Japon, tu es très jeune, tu as donc le choix, so go young lady, go! 🙂

  11. Lovely photography… Good work, human! (I’ve missed you)! ♥ (purrs)!

  12. Beautiful pictures, Mélanita and beautiful place, indeed, so calm it feels and quiet. A good place to live in retirement, thinking, dreaming, drawing or painting with watercolors… Perchance writing a novel… Who knows? Have a nice Sunday! Hervé

    • merci, Hervé! well, guess what: nous avons rencontré 2 couples de retraités français qui passent 4-5 mois/an en Islande… donc, oui: qui sait & pk pas toi, aussi?!… it’s been a very pleasant Sunday… 🙂 à+!

  13. Despre Islanda nu stiu mare lucru ci doar ca vulcanii acoperiti cu gheata, atunci cand sunt reactivati, produc explozii foarte puternice – fenomenul este numt “Jokullaup”. Mai stiu ca au multe izvoare termale si peste 200 de gheizere. Din ce prezinti pe blog, pot spune ca nu prea ti-a scapat vreo tara nevizitata. 🙂 O duminica splendida!

    • 🙂 da, asa-i… de fapt, Islanda e “tara ghetarilor”, nu a ghetii! am fost de 2 ori si-as putea trai acolo, ca si-n Japonia… astea-s doar câteva imagini, daca vei fi interesata, vei mai gasi p-acilea… ar trebui sa fac un blog dedicat Islandei si Japoniei! 🙂 te-asigur ca mi-au “scapat” nenumarate meleaguri, caci mi-ar trebui câteva vieti ca sa descopar si sa explorez noi “teritorii”… sanatate si multumesc la fel! 🙂

  14. Il me rappelle les histoires avec Niels Holgerson… 😀

    • 🙂 Niels si gâsculita lui zburau deasupra Suediei, tarâm complet si total diferit de cel islandez… 🙂

      • Of course, you may know better… However from my point of imagination, I think that goose Aka, could fly anywhere is cold enough and interesting enough to keep that little boy awake on her back! Why not Island? Hmm… Probably the time period doesn’t fit, nobody believes in such stories anymore… A good comfortable plane is the new choice. No adventure.

        • v-am înteles pdv si vi-l respect, bineînteles… ref la “aventura”, uneori n-avem nevoie sa parcurgem sute sau mii de kms, se lasa cautata si (re)gasita la doi pasi de noi via imaginatia si sufletu’ de copil… 🙂

  15. Of si iar of! iar m-ai dus in Islanda, ca sa innebunesc in depresie! 😀 (glumesc) Superba tara, superbe fotografii! Sa ai duminica la superlativ, Melanie!

  16. Because you know how to feed and grow the lust… 😆

  17. Wow, it’s really beautiful down there… 🙂 xoxo

  18. L’Iceland est un pays avec maintes et maintes mythes et légendes, j’aimerais bien découvrir la Suède aussi.

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