lumière magique parmi les nuages de notre destin…

N.B. this post is dedicated to “Osyth” ❤ – a wonderful and talented lady @

motto:“je suis ici, je me sens dénuée et seule… je pense souvent à toi, chaque minute de la journée, je me demande comment tu vas, ce que tu fais, j’ai envie de te serrer dans mes bras… je reste assise, je me souviens de tout ce que nous avons partagé, je rêve à tout ce qui sera, et je verse une larme pour les minutes sans toi… par moments, je crois en ma force, que le temps qui nous sépare s’écoulera vite, et néanmoins, je m’assieds et je pleure… et je me demande pourquoi faut-il que l’amour fasse si mal… alors que là, dans ma solitude, quelque part dans le vide, je me sens pourtant très aimée, et je réalise que ce n’est pas ‘aimer’ qui est tellement douloureux – c’est d’être sans TOI…”(Cathy Lynn Oaks)

lorsque tu es loin et ton amour m’entoure, je me redemande:”est-ce que je te manque?…” – et à chaque fois tu me réponds:”non, puisque tu es avec moi, même si ma présence t’est invisible… ton ombre m’accompagne partout, posée sur mes épaules, comme une caresse permanente et si je te touchais, aurais-tu une attaque de cordes – de guitare ou de violon?… te rappelles-tu nos folles pensées, nos rêves et nos mots doux  synchronisés avec les battements de nos cœurs?… tu t’arrêtes souvent dans le jardin de nos souvenirs où tu fermes les yeux en espérant que mes doigts s’attardent sur ton front comme une douce brise tropicale… je coule dans tes veines comme la sève tiède d’un séquoia millénaire au tronc double qui aura affronté toutes les intempéries…

nos corps soudés par la ligne de vie et celle de l’amour sont attachés ensemble par un fil d’argent qui nous rend complètement libres… je t’écouterai en silence et j’attendrai impatiemment ton baiser vital… je sais que tu m’emmènes avec toi où que tu ailles, l’éternité nous est proche, quelque part entre notre amour absolu et nos secondes sublimes… nous traverserons ensemble tous les nuages de notre destin commun, au-delà des frontières du temps et de l’espace, où le manque et l’absence deviennent poussière d’étoiles… nos cœurs battent à l’unisson, alors que les esprits sont reliés par une flamme continue dont la lumière nos 2 constellations… ton regard veille sur moi de l’aube au crépuscule puisque l’AMOUR est ma seule raison de vivre… ❤

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magic light among the clouds of our fate…

motto:”I’m here alone feeling so empty and lonely… I often think of you – every minute of the day, wondering how you are, what you are doing, wishing I could hold you… I sit remembering all we’ve shared, dreaming of all that will be, and crying a tear for every minute we are apart… At times, I tell myself I am strong and the time apart will go quickly, yet at others, I sit and cry and wonder why love must hurt this way… Though somewhere in that loneliness – somewhere in the emptiness, I find myself feeling very loved, and I realize that it’s not the loving that hurts so much – it’s being without YOU…”(Cathy Lynn Oaks)

whenever you’re far away and your love surrounds me I still wonder:”do you miss me…?” – each time you answer:”no, I don’t, because you’re with me, even though my presence is invisible to you… your shadow joins me everywhere, it’s always upon my shoulders, like a permanent caress… do you remember our crazy thoughts, our dreams and our tender words synchronized with our heartbeats? I know you often stop by the garden of our memories, you keep your eyelids closed until my fingers touch your forehead with a tropical gentle breeze… I flow through your veins like the warm sap of an ancient double stemmed redwood that has faced any bad weather for millennia

our bodies are welded by the line of life and the line of love, tied up by a silver wire that seals our ultimate freedom… I will silently listen to you, looking forward to feeling your vital kiss… you take me with you everywhere you go, eternity is on our side – somewhere between our absolute love and our sublime seconds… I already know that we’ll cross together all the clouds of our common fate – beyond time and space boundaries… lack and physical absence turn into stardust, hearts beat alike, whilst our minds are connected by a permanent flame that lights up our 2 constellations… your eyes watch over me from dawn to dusk, since LOVE is my only reason of living… ❤
* * *
“Quand je manque de toi – whenever I miss you
Je manque de tout: – I miss everything:
De mon air, de mon ciel, – my air, my sky,
De tout l’essentiel – all that is vital
Qui remplit ma vie… – and fills up my life…”(Garou)

About Mél@nie Mélanie Bedos-Toulouse @ Facebook

Posted on 31 March 2015, in melanie. Bookmark the permalink. 39 Comments.

  1. That is so beautiful and what a generous act of kindness.

  2. Such a beautiful romantic post and reading through your comments, Melanie it appears it’s tribute to your friend was well received through tears and smiles. Thank you for sharing this heart felt post. It was a very well written piece. Wishing you Blessings as Easter approaches. Love, Sue ❤

  3. Dincolo de spaţiu şi timp. Citesc. Oftez. Recitesc. Inimioara mea îngheţată s-a topit puţin. ❤

    • multumesc, fata frumoasa si talentata… ❤ cunosti expresia:"le feu sous la glace" – "fire beneath ice"?… cre'ca ni se potriveste: asa-s si eu, ca… Islanda! 🙂

      • Am roşit! 😀 Cred că am auzit expresia, când eram în liceu, de la o profesoară dragă. Ni se potriveşte! 🙂

        • te cred, pen’ca se vede d-acilea dân Toulouse… 😀 ai intuit si dedus ca-s profa, corect?!… 😉

          • Rar m-a înşelat intuiţia, mama îmi zice că sunt un bun detectiv. Mi-a trecut aşa un gând, că poate o cunoaşteţi pe fosta mea profesoară de franceză, Bobocea Gabriela. 🙂

            • n-o cunosc, pen’ca am trait mai multi ani aici decât în România: sunt un paradox român caci am predat engleza-n Franta, franceza si engleza-n USA… ah, te-apreciez la fel de sincer ca fosta-ti profa cu un prenume adorabil… 🙂

  4. Cheryl titchener

    Just so beautiful my heart could burst!

  5. Mel – wonderful tribute and well done! I read Osyth’s comment and what sweet post, amiga! ❤ ❤

  6. When Melanie popped me a note two nights ago and said there was a surprise in store for me, little did I imagine the beauty of what she would create and dedicate to me. She knows a little of my own love story… one day I will tell it. The tears coursed down my cheeks and those of my husband 4,000 miles away when I read this aloud. I do not have the words in my meagre bank to express how touched I am… the words, the song, the pictures of Hawaii including the Obervatoire that my husband directs. Thank you, beautiful lady, thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙂 PS: I am reblogging this on my own site… it deserves to be shared xxx

    • my joy and my pleasure, dear F… ❤ the photo with the sign:"have a safe and secure flight, and return soon!" was taken in the Kauai airport especially for YOU just before our departure… mille merci for reblogging, I'm deeply grateful and truly honored…

      • And it was very very well received dearest M! I did not know that, of course, but I caught the sentiment that now means even more knowing you were thinking of us! The re-blog is the very smallest of gestures but all I can do… your words and your images deserve to be enjoyed by the widest audience. I have always felt that, actually! 🙂

  7. Simplement beau! 🙂

  8. În locuri atât de frumoase nu poți avea decât gânduri frumoase. Dacă stăpânești și limbajul poetic… iese un articol minunat, ca acesta! Să ai zile frumoase, Melania!

    • vei fi dedus ca postu’-i dedicat iubirii ce “sfideaza” distanta si timpu’, a fost cazu’ meu si-i în prezent cel al prietenei Osyth… multumesc, la fel, Zina! 🙂

  9. Am citit şi am regretat că nu sunt în stare să traduc atât de literar pe cât este textul de frumos. Mi-am răpit astfel singură din atmosfera de perfectă comuniune a două suflete unite prin iubire. Mi s-au umplut ochii de lacrimi. N-aş putea explica exact de ce. Poate pentru că mi-a plăcut mult, mult de tot.

  10. Frumoase imagini, care îmblânzesc norii din ”lumière magique parmi les nuages de notre destin…” – o frumoasă metaforă a iubirii. Toate cele bune și o seară cât mai plăcută!

  11. Beautiful captures, as always, Melanie!

  12. În locuri atât de frumoase şi singur poţi fi fericit. 😉

  13. Comme c’est joliment dit et combien cela ressemble à ma vie actuelle. Merci!

  14. Reblogged this on Myblog's Blog.

  1. Pingback: lumière magique parmi les nuages de notre destin… | Osyth

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